Five Reasons Listening to Podcasts is NOT a Waste of Time

I know, I know. We’ve already got sooo many social channels vying for our time, and then there’s traditional media still keeping us entertained. So why add podcasts to the mix? Trust me, you’ll thank me for giving you a few excuses reasons to tune in to the podcast of your choice.

5 reasons to listen to podcastsPodcasts have been around for quite a while, and I’ve listened to a handful of interviews over the past couple of years. Recently, though, I’ve been making it a point to listen to podcasts regularly; and I’m glad I did. Here are five reasons to incorporate podcasts into your world.

  1. You’ll gain new perspective and focus. Pick a few personalities you like to follow and check out their interview list. I’ve learned things about myself and my business from people I’d never heard of before. I always benefit from taking a break from whatever project I’m working on and listening to a podcast. I return to the project with a renewed sense of urgency and focus.
  2. Opportunity to multitask. I’m not a big fan of multitasking. I find that doing one thing at a time suits me well. Like chewing gum while walking, though, I can handle listening to a podcast while walking. Gain some knowledge, get some exercise: SCORE!
  3. Expand your network. Connect with podcast hosts and their guests on social channels. Share your new-found knowledge with your social media audiences.
  4. Take a break from the 24/7 news world. I tend to get caught up in the breaking news. Unplugging from news that the media chooses to send my way and listening to a podcast I choose gives me control over what I’m paying attention to. AND – those stories that were breaking before my podcast began are still kicking around when the podcast ends.
  5. Learn from others before starting your own podcast. If you’re thinking of starting your own podcast, listening to a variety of podcasts is one of the best things you can do to prepare yourself before you come face to face with the microphone. Listen and learn: What kind of questions work well? What questions fall flat? What type of format appeals to you? How do you want your intro / outro to sound?

Here are a few podcasts I carry with me:

Being Boss, a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs hosted by Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon.
Emily and Kathleen will help you get sh*t done! One element they add to the podcast world is brief podcast covering a specific topic: minisode. (Yes, they also offer lengthy interviews that are chock full of valuable info).

The Owner’s Mind with Chris Brogan. Grow your business by improving your capabilities and connections. Learn from business pros and owners just like you.
Chris is the kind of sharing and connecting. He shares his network and knowledge, with a great sense of humor mixed in for good measure. Not a business owner? No problem. You’ll still love this podcast.

Women Taking the Lead. Led by Jodi Flynn, this podcast features interviews with highly successful women who want to share their journeys of success with others.
Jodi’s interviews with women (and occasionally men) encourage women to trust themselves and move their careers forward. Need that inner critic silenced? This is the place for you. You’ll feel like you’ve found your tribe in no time at all.

What podcasts do you listen to that help move your business forward?

Five Reasons Listening to Podcasts is NOT a Waste of Time was last modified: July 7th, 2015 by Deb Nelson