Focus on Your Progress and Watch it Grow!

Staying focused to reach our health goals can be daunting. What’s a person to do when it’s so easy to get sidetracked and follow the latest shiny object that shows up in our inbox or social media feeds?!?!

Here are a few things I’ve noticed:

What gets measured gets completed.

Want to read a certain number of books this year? Log onto Good Reads, set up an account, and record your progress. You can connect with others on this site and get and give book recommendations. (And, yes, setting a goal to read books is a health goal.)

Small steps add up to success.

Want to achieve a big health goal? AWESOME! Break that goal down into bite-sized action steps. Celebrate every time you reach a milestone. Track your progress on a chart, excel spreadsheet, poster, or post-it. Share your success with friends, family, and colleagues. Need help reaching that goal? Recruit someone to join your team or join an online group for accountability. Just focus on your progress and watch it grow as you acknowledge each achievement along the way to that large goal.

That negative self-talk can be silenced.

When those doubts about your ability to achieve your health goals creep in (and they always do), respond with a quick and powerful “I got this!” and keep going one step at a time! Putting your focus on positive thoughts will spur you on to keep moving toward those health goals!!

Focus on your progress and watch it grow!
Focus on Your Progress and Watch it Grow! was last modified: January 19th, 2022 by Deb Nelson