Experiencing Writer’s Block? Laugh It Off

CinnamonThere you are: sitting at your keyboard after eliminating every distraction known to man. You’ve exited out of email, LinkedIn, facebook and even twitter. Coffee and snacks by your side, you’re ready to go. Except. Well. No words are flowing.

Your mind has gone blank and your fingers are hovering over the keys, waiting for that profound thought, any thought, to get your piece started.

It’s time to get recharged and rejuvenated – a relaxing vacation on the beach, or maybe an adventurous rafting trip down the Colorado would do the trick. Okay, let’s get back to reality; the trip might be in the planning stages, but you’ve got to get some writing done today. What to do? Get your silly on and bring back your creativity:

  • Step away from the keyboard for an immediate stress reduction.
  • Take a deep breath. Yes, this really helps.
  • Go outside – alone with a co-worker, a friend, a pet – for a change of pace and environment.
  • Find something that brings out your inner child and makes you laugh.
  • Not sure how to get yourself laughing? No problem, there’s a link for that.

Taking yourself too seriously is the perfect way to sabotage an otherwise great day. Lighten up, laugh it off and the words will find you.

Experiencing Writer’s Block? Laugh It Off was last modified: June 26th, 2012 by Deb Nelson