Bored Taste Buds? Shake Them Up!!

How many days do you sit at your desk or aimlessly walk the aisles of your grocery store and ask yourself what the heck you’re going to have for dinner? There are an infinite amount of choices, yet NOTHING seems appealing. ARGHH!!!

SOLUTION: Cook one meal you’ve never prepared before every week. Yes, it takes a little preparation and a bit of scouting around. The rewards, however, can be A-mazing. That was the case for me this week when I made Spaghetti Squash “Bolognese” from the recipe in Anthony Williams’ book, Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing. Oh. My. Goodness. This recipe is simply fabulous!! Neither my husband nor I had ever cooked spaghetti squash. What a treat – we loved everything about it: the ease; the texture; and above all, the taste! Put this recipe on next week’s menu!!

Why is it important to keep from getting bored with your food? It’s easy to fall into bad habits when we’re bored with what’s on our plates. The benefits to a bit of planning to keep your taste buds happy:

  • By changing up your diet, you can get a variety of nutrients into your system.
  • Planning your menu keeps you from waiting until the last minute to decide what you’ll eat. Making meal decisions before you’re famished means you’re less likely to eat low-nutrient, not-so-good-for-you meals.
  • You walk into that grocery store confidently with a list for your meal(s).
  • You no longer have nagging thoughts about food, meals, snacks, bad habits running through your mind all day.
  • Make it fun: Trade off with your spouse, significant other, BFF – every other week each of you can prepare a new meal. Once you’ve got the hang of it, each of you can prepare a new meal every week.
  • Split the responsibilities: one of you gets the ingredients into the kitchen, the other cooks, you both clean – you get the idea: Shake It Up!!
  • Add on: create a theme night and build an entire evening around the meal. Extra credit – television and phones are silenced.

Give it a go and let me know how shaking up your taste buds changes your outlook on food.

Bored Taste Buds? Shake Them Up!! was last modified: December 5th, 2018 by Deb Nelson