10 Tips to Get More Followers – Courtesy of Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

If sharing is caring, Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick are the King and Queen of caring.

Hubspot’s Amanda Sibley hosted a webinar featuring Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick a/k/a The Dynamic Duo of Social Media. This was a no-nonsense webinar packed with useful information. Here are the Duo’s 10 Tips to Get More Followers:

  1. Be Valuable
    – Inform, assist, and entertain your followers
    – Pass the reshare test: create content people want to share with
    their followers
    – Embrace the NPR model: check their tweets out; you’ll want to be
    just like them
  2. Be Clever
    – Piggyback onto existing services (Kawasaki’s Alltop.com, for example, where content is ready and waiting)
    – Share what’s already popular – in a timely fashion
    – Use lists, circles and communities – take advantage of existing groups
  3. Be Gracious
    – Show a little social love and share other people’s content
    – Give thanks if someone shares your content or provides content you find valuable
    – Stay positive or stay silent
  4. Be OrganizedArt of Social Media
    – Use the right tool: Buffer, Sprout Social, Hootsuite
    – Create a calendar
    – Be consistent
  5. Be Dramatic
    – Add visuals
    – Add text on top of visuals
    – Add user-generated content
  6. Be Optimal
    – Perfect your profile – your face for profile pic; photo that tells story for cover photo
    – Add share buttons: make it easy for your followers to spread your content
    – Use optimal visual sizes for each social media forum: use largest photo
    size possible to make your photo stand out
  7. Be Bold
    – Take a stand on an issue
    – Express your personality
    – Be topical and timely: jump into the conversation when it’s hot
  8. Be Tough
    – Embrace complaints
    – Ignore trolls: you’ll come to recognize them soon enough
    – Go three rounds: let the conversation go – three responses show that
    you paid attention, and engaged your audience
  9. Be Active
    – Be calm and post often
    – Repeat your tweets – Yes, repeat your tweets – 3x, every eight hours
    – Get on Pinterest
  10. Be Curious
    – Experiment constantly
    – Watch what others do
    – Use incognito mode

Over-delivering on their promise of sharing their top 10 tips, Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick also let us in on a few power tips:

  1. You can add up to four pictures with each tweet; one picture will double your engagement.
  2. You can tag photos in your tweets and names tagged will not count as part of your 140 characters.
  3. Upload your video directly to Facebook rather than embedding a YouTube video on Facebook
  4. Promoting posts on Facebook is inexpensive and effective.
  5. In their continuing education, Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick are experimenting with paying to promote on Pinterest.

Put these tips in place, and I suspect your audience will grow and become more engaged. Keep me posted, and let me know about your success.

10 Tips to Get More Followers – Courtesy of Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick was last modified: February 19th, 2015 by Deb Nelson

Get Your Social On: Keeping the Social in Social Media

Are you being social or have you slipped into the habit of constant selling, rather than engaging, on social media channels? If you’re constantly asking, selling, telling, are you engaging with your audience? Or have you alienated your tribe? If you’re not engaging, you might just be transferring traditional media tactics to social settings. You might be lonely.

Give the L E A R N theory of being social a try:email-584705_1280

Listen. Put your ear to the social scene and listen to your audience. Where are they spending their time? What do they expect to get from social media? What are they asking questions about? What are their pain points? How can you solve their problems?

Earn. You need to earn the trust of your audience. Show up: be present, be consistent, be thoughtful.

Answer. Now that you know the questions your audience is asking, offer up some answers. Be a superhero and share your knowledge.

Respect. There are lots of differing opinions being served up on social media. Respect those opinions; and while you’re at it, don’t engage with  the trolls

Nurture. Developing relations is a process. Nurture these relationships: share posts, comment on posts, be an all-around nice person.

We all love a good conversation. Go out and be social. Let me know how
the L E A R N theory works for you.

Get Your Social On: Keeping the Social in Social Media was last modified: January 21st, 2015 by Deb Nelson