KISS: Keep It Simple, Sweetie

Congratulations! You’ve decided to change up your diet and lifestyle to include healthier options for you. Excellent, awesome even. UNTIL – you realize that there are SO MANY options to consider, so many choices to be made. Then the dreaded paralysis sets in and you Can’t. Make. One. Decision.

No problem – just Keep It Simple, Sweetie.

Have a mindset reset. For this week only, focus on adding more plants to your diet via salads. This is how you do it. Before lunch and dinner, have a salad:

Include some greens – choose from kale, spinach, red leaf, arugula

Add on some crunch – bell peppers (yellow, orange, red, green), red cabbage, celery, cucumber (keep skin on if organic)

Keep those veggies coming – onion (yellow, red, green), grated carrot, tomatoes, corn

Roasted please – beets, sweet potato, carrots, Brussels sprouts

How about some beans and legumes– black, pinto, kidney, peas, chick peas, lentils

Try it out – broccoli sprouts, avocado (keep in mind that this is high in fat)

Herbs – parsley, dill, cilantro, mint

Skip the dressing – top your salad off with salsa, sauerkraut, ground flaxseed

Yes, this list could go on and on. And I think you get the picture. You can put whatever strikes your fancy into your salad. Bonus points when you have a rainbow of colors in the salad bowl. Soon enough, you just might find you’re eating a giant salad for your full lunch and/or dinner meal rather than having it as an intro.

Why salads? They

Provide you with a variety of food choices

Pack a powerful nutritional punch

Allow you to use up whatever you have on hand

Keep you from getting bored with your meals

Are versatile: you can put them together at home, or choose them at a restaurant

Give it a go and let me know how this suits you!

KISS: Keep It Simple, Sweetie was last modified: June 14th, 2021 by Deb Nelson