Make the Most of December to Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

Welcome December!!! This is a noteworthy day for a variety of reasons, two of which are:

The first day of any month is a reset day.

We all start with a clean slate. Need to get back to good healthy habits? Now is the time. Want to recommit to health goals? Now is the time. Want to set new health goals? Now is the time.

This is the first day of the last month of the year.

That means we’ve all got an opportunity to decide exactly what we want to accomplish to boost our health and wellness in these next 31 days as we say so long to 2020.

My request of you:



DO NOT wait until January to identify small changes to daily living that might improve your health and wellness.

After all, if you run a red light today, you won’t say “Oh the heck with it. I’ll just keep running red lights for the rest of the month, and stop for them in January!”

How will YOU say good-bye to 2020 in the context of your health and wellness goals?
How can YOU improve your health and wellbeing in these next 31 days?

Take a look at this Circle of Life resource. The circle includes 12 categories that the Institute of Integrative Nutrition identified as primary foods. Primary foods feed us as much as the food we put on our plates. Have your primary foods gotten out of balance? The 12 categories are:

Joy                                           Spirituality

Creativity                                 Finances

Career                                      Education

Health                                      Physical Activity

Home Cooking                       Home Environment

Relationships                          Social Life

Make December Count:

    • Complete the Circle of Life exercise.
    • Select one area you’d like to make changes to this month.
    • Put a goal in place. A SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound)
    • Get an accountability partner.
    • Celebrate each success as you approach your goal.

Appreciate the gift of December: Take advantage of this final month of the year to spiral up and improve your health and wellness. You’ll be glad you did!!



Make the Most of December to Improve Your Health and Wellbeing was last modified: December 1st, 2020 by Deb Nelson

Take Time To Be Silly

What if today, and every day, you take time to be silly?


Will it be a waste of time?


Will it be an incredibly good use of time?


Here’s how taking time to be silly can positively impact you.

Being silly can help you:

    • Reset if you’re feeling stuck on a project OR stuck in a mood that’s not benefitting you.
    • Relieve stress; it’s hard to hang onto tension and negative energy when you’re giggling.
    • Get your priorities in order; it’s amazing how a good laugh can help you see what should be uppermost on your to do list.
    • Become more productive and present in the time you are working.
    • More available and present in the time you’re spending with family and friends.
    • Breathe, feel better, and decompress.
    • Reconnect with someone who’s important to you. Take a break, make a fun phone call, share and appreciate your human side.
    • Remember what it’s like to have fun. AND isn’t that what this wild, wonderful life is about: having fun and appreciating those we love?

What if today, and every day, you take time to be silly?

Need help adjusting priorities to get on the path to health? Let’s connect.

Take Time To Be Silly was last modified: November 9th, 2020 by Deb Nelson

Get Your Veggie On: It’s National Vegetarian Day

What better way than to kick off the last quarter of the year than with National Vegetarian Day!!


Celebrate all things veggie today.

Image from
  • Take advantage of National Vegetarian Day and reset your dietary pattern.
  • Swap out a sugary snack for a veggie snack (sweet potato with salsa, celery with hummus).
  • Try a new veggie – at every meal.
  • Cook a meal you’ve never cooked before.
  • Have fun with your food.

What’s the big deal about vegetables anyway? 

  • These gems taste fabulous!!!
  • There are so many veggies that if one (or more) doesn’t suit your fancy, just set it aside. There are many more options to choose from.
  • Veggies provide us with fiber. Fiber makes us feel full so that we’re less likely to overeat. Fiber also keeps everything moving through our system. AND so much more.
  • Vegetables are more nutrient dense and generally less caloric than animal foods. That means you can actually eat more food without becoming heavier when you’re following a whole food, plant-based diet.
  • These powerhouse plants can help prevent and even reverse disease.
  • Veggies boost energy – rather than slowing us down.

Take the challenge:

  • Hop online to find a recipe or go to your favorite indie bookstore and buy a cookbook featuring vegetarian fare. (Check out a few of my cookbooks pictured below.)

Celebrate the veggie today and every day!

Having trouble overcoming challenges of incorporating veggies into your nutrition plan? Let’s chat.
Healthy living starts now.

Get Your Veggie On: It’s National Vegetarian Day was last modified: October 1st, 2020 by Deb Nelson

Reach Your Health Goals On A Rainy Day

What a gift it is to wake up to a beautiful, rainy day.

Use today to celebrate the progress you’ve made toward reaching your health goals. Do that happy dance and then reflect, reset, and recharge.


Identify your victories and acknowledge your success to date on approaching your health goals. Have a celebratory glass of water at your desk today. Share your successes with a colleague, friend, or member of your family.


What are your health goals? Do they need to be adjusted? Are you keeping them front and center? Are you on track to meet them?


Why did you set these health goals? What will reaching these health goals allow you to achieve in other areas of your life?


Put a plan together for this final quarter of 2019 that will help your reach your goals by the end of the year. Write each health goal on a separate note card and post the cards in places you’ll see them every day. What we schedule and measure is what we focus on.

And you’re off – healthy living starts now. Let me know how you do!

Reach Your Health Goals On A Rainy Day was last modified: October 1st, 2019 by Deb Nelson