Random Act of Kindness for the Win

A wild and unpredictable time. That is how I’ll remember Spring of 2020.


Coronavirus. COVID-19. Press Conferences. Lockdown. Uncertainty. Fear.


And yet, in the midst of this turmoil we find kindness. Every. Single. Day.

Random Acts of Kindness when we need them most.

Random Acts of Kindness delivered to me.
    • Homemade bread arriving on my doorstep.
    • A gift card via email to a local restaurant.
    • Phone calls, emails, text messages, zoom calls.
    • Fruit for the taking left on a table at a park.
Random Acts of Kindness throughout our community.
    • Neighbors meeting neighbors – a smile, a wave, a brief hello on a now daily walk.
    • Neighbors supporting neighbors through community groups.
    • Quarantine Karaoke on Facebook
    • Volunteers arriving at nonprofits to serve those in need.
    • Donors sending funds to allow nonprofits to continue their work and expand their offerings to people who unexpectedly find themselves unemployed, hungry, and scared.
    • People keeping businesses alive by buying gift cards to be used when businesses re-open.
    • This list just scrapes the surface.
  •  Kindness First. Always.

Random Act of Kindness for the Win was last modified: April 8th, 2020 by Deb Nelson

Facebook and Birthdays: A Win for All

Yesterday was my birthday. The day started and ended with messages from friends near and far wishing me a Happy Birthday on my Facebook page. Now THIS is where Facebook excels. I heard from people I see every day, as well as from people I haven’t seen in weeks, months, or years.

The comments were brief, sincere, and appreciated. Of course I realize that Facebook sent notices to my FB friends letting them know it was my birthday.  (How good is that? FB reminding you once a year to check in with your friends.) I scrolled through my Facebook feed with a smile on my face because social media was being used to share good news, spread some love, and make people smile. It gets no better than that!

It’s easy to hop on a social media soapbox to shout our frustration, spew hatred, or shame others for their actions. That is not, however, where social media shines. Social media is a powerful tool. Social media gets that power from its users.

Let’s make that power a positive experience. How about if we think about how our words are going to land with other people before posting? Yes, I know — life life isn’t all puppy dogs and unicorns. Yet, if we send a simple birthday greeting to our friends, life will be a little brighter for all of us. And MAYBE, just MAYBE, the heat on the posts will relax a little. And you know what else? We just might find that our positive social media experience will have a positive impact on our health. Sounds like another win to me.

Let’s keep birthday season going every day of the year!

Facebook and Birthdays: A Win for All was last modified: October 26th, 2018 by Deb Nelson

Welcome Spring: A Great Opportunity to Jumpstart Healthy Living

Never mind that the ground is snow covered and speculation is that more snow is headed our way here in New England. It’s March 20th and Spring has officially arrived! With that pronouncement, many of us automatically feel that the temperature will rise, the sun will shine brighter, and the world will seem a kinder place. Whether that ultimately rings true may depend on your outlook: decide it and it will happen. Put on those rose-colored glasses and sit in that world of which you dream for a moment or two.

Change up a few habits, and sit in that world of which you dream indefinitely. WHAT? You’re in control of your world? You betcha!

Here area few examples of small changes you can make to brighten your world:

  • Laugh more – starting today, fake it ‘til you make it to a belly laugh a day
  • Drink more water
  • Eat more veggies
  • Move (exercise) more
  • Get some fresh air
  • Spend time with people who energize you
  • Call someone whose voice makes you smile
  • Be kind to a colleague or stranger in the form of a random act of kindness
  • Take one step in a project that’s been on your to-do list

Take advantage of this change in seasons to up your game and boost your happiness, health, and productivity. Starting today, put on rose-colored glasses and build the life you’re meant to live. Before you know it, your world will look different to you. Let me know how it goes!

Welcome Spring: A Great Opportunity to Jumpstart Healthy Living was last modified: March 20th, 2018 by Deb Nelson