Acknowledging Losses During Corona Quarantine

What are you missing during this time of isolation?

Friends ~ Family ~ Hugs ~ Freedom ~ Face-to-Face Conversations 
Co-workers ~ Control ~ Contact ~ Beaches ~ Restaurants
Traditions ~ Work ~ Normalcy ~ Spontaneity ~ Volunteering
Travel ~ Paycheck ~ High Fives ~ Shopping ~ Team Sports
Sense of Security ~ Community ~ Focus ~ Balance

While walking along one of the only beaches still open to the public in Southern Maine this weekend, I saw these shells that someone had arranged to spell out MISS YOU. It was a beautiful and painful sign of the times.

How are you handling these feelings of loss? Do you take time to think about whom and what you’re missing, and how that makes you feel?

Acknowledging these losses is important – sure, some of these losses might appear relatively trivial on their own. When we look at the cumulative losses based on changes to our lives that are out of our control, however, we can understand why we might be feeling out of sorts.

Cut yourself some slack and take a break when you need to:

Go for a walk or run
Take a nap – set your alarm for 20 minutes
Listen to music

Take advantage of time at home

Play a game of catch with your kids and/or significant other
Cook up a surprise lunch for whoever’s in your quarantine kingdom

Be Creative

Write a gratitude list: 3 things you’re grateful for
Take an online course
Ask for Help
Don’t go it alone ~ reach out to a close friend and let them know you’re having a tough time

Corona quarantine is a wild time for all of us. Self-care is important; tune in to yourself. Keep an eye out for those in your circle.


Acknowledging Losses During Corona Quarantine was last modified: April 21st, 2020 by Deb Nelson