Random Act of Kindness for the Win

A wild and unpredictable time. That is how I’ll remember Spring of 2020.


Coronavirus. COVID-19. Press Conferences. Lockdown. Uncertainty. Fear.


And yet, in the midst of this turmoil we find kindness. Every. Single. Day.

Random Acts of Kindness when we need them most.

Random Acts of Kindness delivered to me.
    • Homemade bread arriving on my doorstep.
    • A gift card via email to a local restaurant.
    • Phone calls, emails, text messages, zoom calls.
    • Fruit for the taking left on a table at a park.
Random Acts of Kindness throughout our community.
    • Neighbors meeting neighbors – a smile, a wave, a brief hello on a now daily walk.
    • Neighbors supporting neighbors through community groups.
    • Quarantine Karaoke on Facebook
    • Volunteers arriving at nonprofits to serve those in need.
    • Donors sending funds to allow nonprofits to continue their work and expand their offerings to people who unexpectedly find themselves unemployed, hungry, and scared.
    • People keeping businesses alive by buying gift cards to be used when businesses re-open.
    • This list just scrapes the surface.
  •  Kindness First. Always.

Random Act of Kindness for the Win was last modified: April 8th, 2020 by Deb Nelson