What Does Healthy Look Like to You?

There’s a lot of buzz around health and wellness, and self-care has become a readily accepted concept. Yay for that!! Let’s dig a little deeper, though, and ask a question: what does it mean to be healthy?

Once we ask that question, a BUNCH of clarifying questions jump to mind.

What does healthy feel like?

Do I have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy?

Is there a perfect diet?

I’m not an athlete. Can I still be healthy?

Am I too stressed to be healthy?Healthy

How much time does it take to be healthy?

Does happiness play a role in health?

Where does wellness fit into being healthy?

How do I find time for self-care?

Meditation, really?

Does being healthy mean I have to go to the gym everyday FOREVER?


Yikes – that’s a lot of questions. Once our minds start questioning something, roadblocks appear all over the place!

Where to begin?

Take a deep breath.

Take two minutes and write down what healthy means to you:

What does healthy look like?

What does healthy feel like?

What do you need to do to be healthy?

What changes do you need to make to be healthy?

What one action can you take today to move toward healthy?


To acknowledge your existing healthy habits.

Small steps add up to help you achieve big results.

Go for progress over perfection.

Celebrate your success.

Healthy looks different for each of us.

If you’re making changes to your lifestyle, setting short-term and long-term goals can be helpful. Work on areas that are important to you. Need a hand staying on track? Let’s talk.

You’ve got this!

What Does Healthy Look Like to You? was last modified: January 13th, 2022 by Deb Nelson