Reinventing an Old Friend to Create a City of Readers

Portland Mayor Michael Brennan at Ribbon Cutting
Portland Mayor Michael Brennan

In a world where following the latest shiny object can be distracting, it’s refreshing to see a shiny object designed to keep us on track. Portland’s shiny new bookmobile was unveiled at a ribbon cutting ceremony right outside the Portland Public Library. Investors and city officials were quick to point out that this bookmobile should not be confused with the bookmobile of yesteryear.

Embracing new technology and time-tested tradition, this bookmobile will serve a number of functions, including:

  • Creating a city of readers. It’s common for kids’ reading skills to drop off during the summer months; bringing books to kids throughout the summer will keep their skills sharp and return them to school in September ready to continue their education.
  • Enhancing financial education. With KeyBank as a lead partner in this venture, financial education is a key component of the bookmobile.
  • Reducing the number of hungry kids. Kids who receive lunches at no cost during the school year often go hungry during the summer; the bookmobile will assist in getting food to these kids when school is not in session.

Checking in with a good book is good for kids, their families and their communities. Open a book – electronically or the old-fashioned way – and your life is enriched. Through reading we become curious, learn to ask questions, and engage with each other to share what we’ve learned. Thank you, Portland, for bringing a shiny new object to Maine.

We’d love to hear about good deeds in your world ~ drop us a line.

Portland Public Executive Director Steve Podgajny and KeyBank New England District President Sterling Kozlowski
Portland Public Library Executive Director Steve Podgajny and KeyBank New England District President Sterling Kozlowski



Reinventing an Old Friend to Create a City of Readers was last modified: April 3rd, 2013 by Deb Nelson

Coffee, Business, and a Side of Advice


On your first visit to Perk Coffee Bar and Café, it will seem as though you’re catching up with a comfortable old friend. This café seems to have it all for those of us who rely on coffee shops to provide a satellite office:

  • Great coffee
  • Variety of snacks
  • Wi-Fi
  • Inviting atmosphere
  • Energy from a thriving business
  • Parking

Perk-2Located in a beautifully renovated mill building, this café is steeped in history. Comfortable as you’ll be in the café’s open space, take a few minutes as you sip your coffee to roam through the building. You’re sure to find inspiration in the creative use of space and the variety of businesses that are housed in the North Dam Mill.

Upon returning to the café, you’ll likely find a small group meeting and a few individuals cranking away on their PCs or phones. The unexpected find at Perk, though, is a piece of advice not to be ignored while chatting with the barista: It’s Never Too Late To Live Happily Ever After. Hmmm… makes you stop and think for a moment or two. Your story doesn’t end at the end of the day or chapter. So get going, you’ve got a story to live.

Coffee, Business, and a Side of Advice was last modified: July 3rd, 2012 by Deb Nelson