Cancer Treatment: Imagine a Day When Treatment is Good for You

Imagine how your body would react…

if you had a weekly appointment with a nutritionist instead of that surgery.

Imagine how your body would react…

if you had a weekly appointment with a fitness instructor instead of a chemo drip.

Imagine how your body would react… 

if you practiced meditation daily instead of opting for radiation treatment.

Imagine how your body would react…

if you laughed a deep belly laugh every day instead of holding in your feelings.

Imagine how your body would react…

if you spent every with people who build you up instead of people who wear you down.

Imagine how your body would react…

if we follow this simple piece of advice from Hippocrates:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Cancer Treatment: Imagine a Day When Treatment is Good for You was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson