Own Your Health: Those Health Goals Are Within Your Reach

Reach your health goals one step at a time.
Healthy living starts now.
Make small changes to achieve BIG results.

You can own your health and reach your health goals by taking one small step at a time? Small changes lead to BIG results. Really???? Yes, really.


Get Moving.

Add some physical activity to your day.

Last year I wanted to run a half marathon. I hadn’t been running regularly in more than four years. The first day I went out to run, I ran a quarter of a mile. Let me repeat that. I ran a quarter of a mile. I put a plan in place and ran three times a week. BOOM!

Running’s not your thing? No problem.

Take a hike, or go for a walk. Walking is an amazing activity: you can walk inside or outside. Start with short walks or hikes and build up as you can.

yogaCrank up the music and have a dance party.

Stretch yourself  with yoga.

Hop in the pool and go for a swim.

Poll your friends and find out what they do to keep moving. Ask if you can join them.

Whatever you do, make it fun!


Pump up the volume.

Eat more plants, and change up your nutrition.

Eat a small salad before lunch and dinner.

Have a Meatless Monday. Yes, you can do it. Oatmeal for breakfast. Hummus and tabbouleh on a bed of greens or in a pita pocket for lunch. For dinner

Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI, author of Fiber Fueled, suggests we eat 30 different plants each week. Start small: break that down and the goal seems reachable. 30 different plants over 7 days = 4.3 per day. An apple as a snack and portobello tacos takes care of you on Taco Tuesday!

Plants can keep you full between meals, too

Oil free hummus

Sweet potatoes and salsa

Bananas, nectarines, watermelon, apples, berries…

Dessert treat – fudgy vegan brownies

Experiment with plants you’ve never had before; if you find you don’t like something, leave it behind. Since there are thousands of plants to choose from, you’re bound to find some that appeal to you.

Drink up.

Water, water everywhere…

Start slow. Add 4 ounces in the morning and another 4 in the afternoon. Not a fan of water? Add a little lemon or lime juice, or slice up a strawberry and put it in to add a fresh flavor. Still not there? How about a slice of cucumber? Before you know it, that 8-ounce glass of water will be your beverage of choice a few times a day.

As a bonus of drinking water, you may find that you don’t have those cravings to snack as much throughout the day. Sometimes we’re actually dehydrated when we think we’re hungry.

Pro Tip: Go for the water before reaching for the snack. Wait 15 minutes to see if feelings of hunger are gone.

step by stepHow to begin?

Set clear, smart goals.

Smart goals are:





Time Bound

Write those goals to help cement them in your mind. Got a planner? Put them in your planner. Print those beautiful goals. Post them in places you’re sure to see them throughout the day.

Keep those goals front and center. EVERY DAY.


Move from plan to action.

Start with one choice

Get Moving

Pump up the Volume OR

Drink Up

Small steps.

Increase as you can.

Try this approach and see if you find that you actually do own your health. Let me know how it works for you!

Own Your Health: Those Health Goals Are Within Your Reach was last modified: July 27th, 2020 by Deb Nelson