LiveStrong: A Powerful Force for Good

Today is LiveStrong Day, a day to acknowledge and support the 28 million people around the world who are living with cancer. This annual celebration takes place on the anniversary of Lance Armstrong’s October 2, 1996 cancer diagnosis. Yes, you read that correctly, a celebration of a cancer diagnosis. In Armstrong’s own words:

The truth is that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Armstrong’s diagnosis is also the best thing that happened to millions of cancer patients. After fighting his own battle with cancer, Armstrong (with a little help from his friends) founded LiveStrong – a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping cancer patients and their families navigate the unfamiliar territory of cancer treatment. At a time when emotions are running high and stakes for choosing the right treatment are even higher, LiveStrong’s employees step in to lend a helping hand to millions of people around the world.

Yes, I’m a Lance Armstrong fan. Yes, I wear one of those yellow wristbands every day. And this is why: Armstrong could easily write a check – a very large check – every year to support cancer research; or he could hold one heck of an annual event to raise millions of dollars in support of cancer research. Instead, he shows up every day leveraging his name, his story, and his healthy athletic self to help people figure out how they can deal with hearing these three words: You. Have. Cancer.

Instead of feeling alone, cancer patients are embraced by an extended family experiencing the highs and lows of cancer treatment right along with them. There is a place to turn when you have a question about your cancer treatment; there is a place to turn when you don’t know what questions to ask; that place is LiveStrong.

The words of the Lance Armstrong Foundation and LiveStrong say it best:

Unity is strength.

Knowledge is power.

Attitude is everything.

LiveStrong may be the most powerful example of leveraging celebrity status I’ve come across. But then again, we’d expect nothing less of Armstrong, would we?


This blog post is one in a series highlighting good deeds. Please share examples of good deeds in your community with us below or contact Deb directly.

LiveStrong: A Powerful Force for Good was last modified: October 2nd, 2012 by Deb Nelson

Life-Changing Moment: Exploring New Territory in Nutrition


It still amazes me that such a simple, straight forward phrase would change my life:

Interestingly, it is impossible for cancer to develop in an alkaline environment;

When I came across these words in Brandon Brazier’s  book Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life , I was surprised that there was no footnote or reference to research substantiating this bold claim.  I folded the page over; and while I continued reading, this phrase had piqued my interest and I couldn’t let it go.

So I read on – books, newspapers, blogs, and more. What has happened since has been a remarkable turn of events in my life. I’ve read book after book after book about the impact of nutrition and lifestyle on cancer and other chronic illnesses. My bookshelf now houses a wide variety of books about nutrition and cancer; a stranger entering my office and glancing at this collection might conclude that I am a nutritionist or physician rather than a storyteller. These books provide countless examples of just how powerful our bodies are at healing illness when given the proper tools: psychological and physical environments, nutrition, and exercise.

As I learned more about the ability each of us has to heal our illnesses, I realized that if I were facing a cancer diagnosis I would want to know ALL of the treatment options available to me – yes, there’s more than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Drawing on one of the guiding principles of the Lance Armstrong Foundation – Knowledge is Power – I’m writing a book that highlights people who have modified their diet and lifestyle after receiving a cancer diagnosis. Some people have done this in conjunction with conventional medical treatment, while others have selected lifestyle changes as their sole method of treatment.

I hope you’ll join me for this journey and all of its wonderful twists and turns.

Life-Changing Moment: Exploring New Territory in Nutrition was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson