The Beauty of a Clean Slate

Welcome July!

What’s to love about this 7th month of year?

There’s the start to summer, of course – yes, June 21 is the official start of summer. July, however, is when the summer mindset sets in.

4th of July brings a tradition of celebration and tradition.

The best feature of July, however, is its CLEAN SLATE. We are entering the second half of the calendar year, and this is the PERFECT time to identify what we want to accomplish before the calendar turns to 2020. 

Look at this clean slate in terms of achieving your health goals, and you’ll find July provides an opportunity to:

Assess health goals.The Beauty of a Clean Slate

Update health goals.

Create health goals.

Reset and restart your health goals.

Take advantage of July’s clean slate. Recommit to your health goals:

Put your health goals in writing: fill in that clean slate.

Put a plan of action in place: mark up a calendar with daily/weekly/monthly action steps you’ll take to achieve those goals. Remember: small steps will get you to big results.

Put a team together: Identify people who can help you reach your health goals – either by holding you accountable, or by joining you in the activities on your plan of action.

Remember the importance of a mindset reset: keep those positive thoughts coming as you move toward your goals.

YOU are in control of your health. Each and every day is an opportunity to reset and restart. Do a self-assessment today, and hop on the path to good health. Healthy living starts now.

Need a hand getting on track with those health goals? Let’s chat.



The Beauty of a Clean Slate was last modified: July 1st, 2020 by Deb Nelson