Bring Joy to Your Day

How often do you think about bringing joy into your day?
What if you take ONE action TODAY to bring joy to your day?


What’s the big deal about having a joyful moment? Well, first of all, how awesome is it to have a sense of joy? Appreciating a moment in time that makes you feel good and puts a smile on your face seems like a good thing.

Experiment a bit. Does having a joyful moment:

Put you in a better frame of mind to be more productive?

Allow you to appreciate your friends, family, colleagues?

Ease feelings of anxiety and depression?

Give you more energy?

Here are a few suggestions to add a moment of joy to your day:

Connect with a friend – via phone, text, over coffee

Get outside

Spend some time with a furry friend

Read for 20 minutes

Hit the gym

Listen to a podcast

Pump up the volume – listen to music: sing along or dance


Cook your favorite meal

Sign up to volunteer

Write a thank you note

Take 15 minutes to declutter  – a room, drawer, yard


Make a conscious effort to take ONE action that will bring joy to your life TODAY. What brings joy to your life will be different than what brings joy to your family and friends. Do what works for you. Do that today. And then tomorrow. And then the next day. Make note of how your body and mind respond to adding a little joy to your day.

Bring Joy to Your Day was last modified: March 28th, 2022 by Deb Nelson

Goals. Goals. Goals. Committing to Small Changes in June.

Small changes are powerful. I talk about making one small change every week during Take Action Tuesday via Facebook Live (Tuesday mornings at 8:00). Sometimes, though, it helps to make a few small changes to get to your wellness goals. For the month of June, I decided to document a some goals that involve making tweaks to my existing routine.


Post one blog post per week

Distribute one newsletter

Identify program to offer in fall

Outline marketing plan for fall program

Explore collaboration opportunities

Attend two networking events


Enroll in a language class

Listen to two podcast episodes a week


Legs Up the Wall every day

Meditation every day

Probiotic every day


Go to the beach at least once a week

Read four books

Physical Activity

7 Hours of Exercise Each Week

190 miles of walking / running

Average of at least two bike rides each week

Average of at least two runs each week

Strength training at least once each week

Relationships / Social Life

Reach out to an average of two people per week

Why have I selected these goals for myself for the month of June?

These goals are all extensions of areas that I’m already working on; I’ll be making tweaks – or small changes – to a number of existing or previously held practices.

By putting these goals in writing and sharing them publicly, the likelihood of achieving these goals has already increased!

Committing to small changes and achieving these goals will bring more joy and feelings of fulfillment to my life – how good is that?!?

What small tweaks can you make to your daily life to bring more joy into your world?

Need help? Let’s chat!

Healthy living starts now.


Goals. Goals. Goals. Committing to Small Changes in June. was last modified: June 5th, 2021 by Deb Nelson

How Much Baggage Are You Carrying Around?

Your week was going great . . . until it wasn’t.

Everything seemed to be under control. You walked into work, your co-worker said good morning to you, and your blood began to boil. What’s up with that?!?

Somehow you made it through the exchange of pleasantries and bolted to your desk to get it together. How had that simple greeting left you feeling angry, anxious, and on the verge of tears? You love your job, you picked up a coffee on your way to work, heard good morning, and BAM – emotional distress hit hard.

A quick scan of your life reveals a few areas where you’re really struggling:

Home Cooking: you’re always eating on the go and it seems half the time you don’t even remember whether you’ve eaten or not.

Social Life: you’re overseeing a project that’s taken over your life. You wonder, “When was the last time I went out with my friends?”

Education: you had grand plans to go to school part-time and earn a graduate degree. Where has the time gone?

Health: exhaustion seems to have taken hold of you. Your energy has evaporated.

Physical activity: no problem here. You’re a runner. Oh…you haven’t been for a run in over six months.

Well, this isn’t the way you planned for things to go, is it? Don’t despair – a few small changes can bring about some incredible results. You’re in control! Need help? Let’s chat.




How Much Baggage Are You Carrying Around? was last modified: April 5th, 2019 by Deb Nelson