Primary Food: You Won’t Find It On Your Plate

Talking about nutrition can be tricky business. Joshua Rosenthal, founder of Institute For Integrative Nutrition, takes a bold look at the primary source of our nourishment.

When you think of Primary Food, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? A fresh, crisp salad? Or a bowl of fruit? Maybe an organic veggie stir fry over quinoa? Well, Joshua Rosenthal would ask you to take a step back from your plate, and think about the environment surrounding you.

Rosenthal’s theory is that Primary Food consists of four elements:

  • Relationships
  • Physical Activity
  • Career
  • Spirituality


Without these four elements operating at full tilt, you can eat plate after plate of nutritious food and still not be healthy. I love this approach to food and nourishment acknowledging that we have the power to create a healthy environment for ourselves.

Take a look around your world. How is your Primary Food source treating you?

Primary Food: You Won’t Find It On Your Plate was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson