Is Inconsistent Messaging Turning Clients Away?

Know. Like. Trust. Buy.  

You’re getting to know people via social media, traditional media, and even that old-school, in-person networking. What happens, though, when your messaging misses the mark? Will people stick around if your actions don’t sync up with your words? Probably not.

King Size CarAs I walked into one of my favorite coffee shops last week, I spotted a license plate that read KING SZ.

It made me smile, and then giggle as I took a look at this little smart car with the king-size license side

If this is the approach you’re taking with your company’s messaging, you might want to re-assess. Right now. Need help? Let’s chat.



Is Inconsistent Messaging Turning Clients Away? was last modified: August 25th, 2015 by Deb Nelson