December Challenge: Week Four. Enjoy!


We’re focusing on implementing a new habit each week for the last month of this decade. Last week’s challenge: Get moving. Week two challenge: add more water to your day. Week one challenge: eat an apple a day. How are you doing with these three additions to your daily life? Are these small changes helping to crowd out food that shouldn’t be a part of your daily nutrition? Has adding movement to your day given you more energy?


This last full week of the decade will most likely be filled with friends and family – as well as end-of-year deadlines.

Take a break from the action and check in with yourself. Ask yourself a few questions:

December Challenge: EnjoyAm I spending time with people whose company I enjoy?

Am I working toward goals that are important to me?

At the end of the day / week / month / year, do I feel happy and energetic or lethargic?

Am I having fun?

Am I exploring new interests?

What can I do to make this day great?

What do I want the next year to look like?

Have a wonderful holiday season, take a moment or two to yourself when you need to and a few deep breaths to re-center and de-stress. Yes, fun times can also be stressful.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this December challenge and have found that eating an apple a day, drinking more water, and moving your body more has had a positive impact on your health. Life is good. Enjoy the ride.

You’re in control. Healthy living starts now.
December Challenge: Week Four. Enjoy! was last modified: December 23rd, 2019 by Deb Nelson