Are You All In Or Just Going Through The Motions?

Remember those health goals you set for yourself for 2022? Or those health goals you thought about setting for yourself? As we move through the year, are you all in on reaching those goals? Or are you just going through the motions with minimal success?


Are you on track to blow past those goals for 2022 and do that well-earned happy dance?

Good for you! Keep on keeping on!!

Have you adjusted your health goals to reflect changes in your life over the course of 2022 and are now back on track?

Excellent – you are tuned in to yourself and what you need to meet these goals!!

Are you floundering? Starting, stopping, not feeling that these goals are what you need to work on? On track to meet those health goals, but don’t feel the joy you thought you’d feel?

If you’re floundering when it comes to tackling your health goals, why do you think that’s happening?

Are you afraid of failure?

Are you afraid of success?

Do these health goals mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to you?

Did you set your health goals to make your family, friends, colleagues happy?

Did you set these goals thinking your BFF would be able to keep you on track?

Are you at a point where you have absolutely no idea why you even set these goals?

Use this grand month of September – the second new year – to reset and recommit to your health goals:

Think BIG.

Make those health goals meaningful.

Make those health goals fun.

Make those health goals challenging.

Make a plan to achieve your health goals.

Need some  motivation?

Read The 12-Hour Walk by Colin O’Brady.
I could not put this book down and read it in one day.

After you read this book, set some goals for yourself, and go all in to crush them!

The 12-Hour Walk is inspiring, thought-provoking, action-inducing.

Share your new health goals proudly and publicly.

Are you up for 29029? Don’t know what 29029 is? That’s because you haven’t read this book.

Invest in yourself, and take a 12-Hour Walk.

Keep moving, one step at a time toward your health goals. You’re in control. Own your health. Make EVERY day count.

Are You All In Or Just Going Through The Motions? was last modified: September 16th, 2022 by Deb Nelson

Reach Your Health Goals One Step at a Time

Two important to steps to reaching your health goals include:

Establish a clear vision

Set a strategy

Putting these two elements in place can help ensure that you achieve big results!

Have a clear vision when considering your health goals:

What does life look like when you reach your health goals?

How will you feel when you reach those health goals?

How will your life change when you reach your health goals?

What steps will you take to reach your health goals?

How will you document your progress?

Where will you post your goals so that they’re front and center every day?

Will you join a group or work solo?

Will you have an accountability partner?

What action will you take daily / weekly / monthly?

How will you get back on track when you hit an unexpected obstacle?

How will you celebrate success of each milestone along the way to your health goals?

Answer these questions to set yourself up for success as you move toward your health goals. Achieve big results one step at a time. Need help? Let’s chat.

Healthy living starts now.

Reach Your Health Goals One Step at a Time was last modified: February 4th, 2022 by Deb Nelson


One thing that’s been a shining star during this pandemic: small changes can produce big results. While I’ve always had a great appreciation for making small changes, this time of forced sheltering has underscored my love of the small change.

During the month of June, I hopped on a Facebook Live every morning to share two tips: one focused on living well, the other focused on eating well. (Details of that challenge here.) What a gift that experience was! I got to offer up some great info with some dedicated followers, and I had to be disciplined about identifying tips that would add encourage people to take action without being overwhelming. Great learning experience for all!

In the spirit of small changes and taking action, I’m introducing Take Action Tuesday where I’ll suggest one action you can take. I’ll be live here on Facebook at 8:00 a.m. EST every Tuesday morning in July and August. I’ll offer up one action you can take – or modify –  to pump up the volume of your good health.

Since the Take Action Tuesday takes place on Facebook, the videos will be available for replay. No excuses if you can’t make it at 8:00 a.m. (EST). Feel free to send suggestions to me if there’s an area that you’d like to focus on. I hope you can join the fun and work toward meeting your health goals.

Let’s do this!


EXPLORE THE POWER OF SMALL CHANGES: TAKE ACTION TUESDAY was last modified: July 2nd, 2020 by Deb Nelson

Reach Your Health Goals On A Rainy Day

What a gift it is to wake up to a beautiful, rainy day.

Use today to celebrate the progress you’ve made toward reaching your health goals. Do that happy dance and then reflect, reset, and recharge.


Identify your victories and acknowledge your success to date on approaching your health goals. Have a celebratory glass of water at your desk today. Share your successes with a colleague, friend, or member of your family.


What are your health goals? Do they need to be adjusted? Are you keeping them front and center? Are you on track to meet them?


Why did you set these health goals? What will reaching these health goals allow you to achieve in other areas of your life?


Put a plan together for this final quarter of 2019 that will help your reach your goals by the end of the year. Write each health goal on a separate note card and post the cards in places you’ll see them every day. What we schedule and measure is what we focus on.

And you’re off – healthy living starts now. Let me know how you do!

Reach Your Health Goals On A Rainy Day was last modified: October 1st, 2019 by Deb Nelson

The Beauty of a Clean Slate

Welcome July!

What’s to love about this 7th month of year?

There’s the start to summer, of course – yes, June 21 is the official start of summer. July, however, is when the summer mindset sets in.

4th of July brings a tradition of celebration and tradition.

The best feature of July, however, is its CLEAN SLATE. We are entering the second half of the calendar year, and this is the PERFECT time to identify what we want to accomplish before the calendar turns to 2020. 

Look at this clean slate in terms of achieving your health goals, and you’ll find July provides an opportunity to:

Assess health goals.The Beauty of a Clean Slate

Update health goals.

Create health goals.

Reset and restart your health goals.

Take advantage of July’s clean slate. Recommit to your health goals:

Put your health goals in writing: fill in that clean slate.

Put a plan of action in place: mark up a calendar with daily/weekly/monthly action steps you’ll take to achieve those goals. Remember: small steps will get you to big results.

Put a team together: Identify people who can help you reach your health goals – either by holding you accountable, or by joining you in the activities on your plan of action.

Remember the importance of a mindset reset: keep those positive thoughts coming as you move toward your goals.

YOU are in control of your health. Each and every day is an opportunity to reset and restart. Do a self-assessment today, and hop on the path to good health. Healthy living starts now.

Need a hand getting on track with those health goals? Let’s chat.



The Beauty of a Clean Slate was last modified: July 1st, 2020 by Deb Nelson

The Goal is to Run a Half Marathon: The Journey is the Reward


You’ve gotta love a training program that starts with a rest day!  Thank you, Runner’s World. My 13-week training program is off and running, so to speak, with two successful days under my belt.

the goal is to run a half marathonAs I shared recently, running a half marathon has been on my mind for some time. AND – over the next 13 weeks it will be on my mind every day. I am officially registered to participate in the Maine Half Marathon on October 6. The longest run I’ve ever completed was 10 miles – and that was several years ago. Since then, running has been pushed to the back burner, so I’m bringing it front and center this summer!

Why am I confident I’ll be able to meet my goal of running a half marathon?

I really want to do it!!

The training program I’m following calls for me to run three times a week, which is similar to the training program I followed for my 10-mile run.

This is a great plan to focus on my health goals.

Running three days a week won’t interfere with my cycling schedule.

The timing is perfect: early morning runs tie in with a schedule change I’m making to my work week.

I’ve got accountability in place: I’ve told many people I’m doing this run, and a couple of them are going to be checking in on my progress.

It’s a SMART goal: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-specific.

BOOM! Now I can enjoy the journey.


The Goal is to Run a Half Marathon: The Journey is the Reward was last modified: June 25th, 2019 by Deb Nelson