How Much Baggage Are You Carrying Around?

Your week was going great . . . until it wasn’t.

Everything seemed to be under control. You walked into work, your co-worker said good morning to you, and your blood began to boil. What’s up with that?!?

Somehow you made it through the exchange of pleasantries and bolted to your desk to get it together. How had that simple greeting left you feeling angry, anxious, and on the verge of tears? You love your job, you picked up a coffee on your way to work, heard good morning, and BAM – emotional distress hit hard.

A quick scan of your life reveals a few areas where you’re really struggling:

Home Cooking: you’re always eating on the go and it seems half the time you don’t even remember whether you’ve eaten or not.

Social Life: you’re overseeing a project that’s taken over your life. You wonder, “When was the last time I went out with my friends?”

Education: you had grand plans to go to school part-time and earn a graduate degree. Where has the time gone?

Health: exhaustion seems to have taken hold of you. Your energy has evaporated.

Physical activity: no problem here. You’re a runner. Oh…you haven’t been for a run in over six months.

Well, this isn’t the way you planned for things to go, is it? Don’t despair – a few small changes can bring about some incredible results. You’re in control! Need help? Let’s chat.




How Much Baggage Are You Carrying Around? was last modified: April 5th, 2019 by Deb Nelson

A Prescription for Health – With a Side of Happiness

You’ve got an appointment with your doctor. What’s the likelihood that you’ll walk out of her office with a prescription or two in your pocket?

What if your doctor gave you a handful of prescriptions that looked like this:

A minimum of 7 hours of SLEEP every night

30 minutes of EXERCISE at least five days a week

No less than 60 ounces of WATER per day

Do something for the FUN OF IT 3 times a week: call a friend, take a class, go to a movie, read a book

Avoid TOXIC people (you know who they are)

Ditch PROCESSED FOOD (one day at a time)

Thirty days later, you return to your doctor to have a conversation about your progress. Now wouldn’t that be a wildly uplifting conversation?!? What are the side effects of getting good sleep, exercising, eating nutrient-dense food, and enjoying yourself? Health and happiness perhaps? Keep this trend going:

Take 10 minutes of ALONE/QUIET TIME every day

Increase PLANT-BASED WHOLE FOODS in your meals

SAY YES to doing things that energize you

SAY NO to doing things that suck the life out of you

This is why I became a health coach: to help people meet their health and wellness goals. Each of us can take control of our health in a variety of ways. I’ve written about it before, and will undoubtedly keep on writing about it.

If you incorporate any of these changes into your daily practice, let me know how it goes!

A Prescription for Health – With a Side of Happiness was last modified: February 28th, 2018 by Deb Nelson