Stay on Track with Your Exercise Program on Mother’s Day Weekend

Mother’s Day weekend presents a challenge and plenty of opportunity to stay on track with your walking / jogging / running program:

Challenge: you might be traveling to a family event, or cooking for or hosting a family event which could leave you with less time than you usually have for your exercise routine. Never fear – there is no need for your exercise program to get derailed!!


Make a game out of getting some exercise time in:

Got kids? Head outside with them – you’ll get some walking / jogging / belly laughing done in no time!!

Got kids and want to have some time to yourself? Ask a spouse, parent, friend to watch them for a half hour.

Go for a walk or jog while your guests clean up the kitchen.

If you’re traveling, go for a walk when you arrive to stretch your legs after sitting in the car.

If you’re traveling, leave early enough to take a detour to a park or beach where you can get a walk in.

Get up a half hour early to get outside and clear your head and get your steps in.

Saturday will probably be a soggy day – I’ll pretend I’m on vacation. Rain never stops me from getting outside when I’m on vacation.

Lots of sun on Sunday – can you go to the beach for a walk / jog / run? Go solo or bring your family and friends.

Remind yourself WHY your exercise program is important to you.

Consistency in your exercise program is key. Exercising three times a week can make a significant difference in your health. Already exercise three times a week? Up the challenge: go for five times a week. 

Keep boredom away! Shake up your program by:

Doing some speed work – sprint from one telephone pole to the next; walk it out and sprint again when you’re recharged.

Embracing hill work – yup, charge up that hill. Again. Again. Again.

Adding in a different type of exercise: cycling, yoga, weight training, swimming — whatever piques your interest.

Getting your steps / miles in at a new location.

Bringing a friend, family member, colleague with you.

Making your walk / jog a working meeting.

Congrats to you for making your health a priority. As always, drop me an email if I can help you stay on track or get you back on track.

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend that supports your exercise program!

Stay on Track with Your Exercise Program on Mother’s Day Weekend was last modified: May 11th, 2018 by Deb Nelson

September: A Welcome Beginning or End?

As we enter September, are you mourning the end of summer or
welcoming the opportunity for new beginnings?


September signals the return to school and the end of summer for many. Does that bring up feelings of melancholy or euphoria for you?

Gretchen Rubin refers to September as “the other January” where we have the opportunity to restart the year with a clean slate. This notion resonates with me, with September serving as a reminder to check in with my goals for the year: Am I on track to meet my business and health goals? If not, what do I need to do to set myself up for success? If I am on track to meet my goals, how will I keep myself moving in the right direction?

  • Go back to my why.
  • Confirm that I’ve got measurable goals.
  • Review goals to ensure that they’re attainable goals.
  • Re-assess and adjust goals.
  • Recommit to goals and go all in.
  • Make lifestyle changes that support my goals.
  • Find an accountability partner.

While we equate returning to school with the end of summer, the first day of fall isn’t until September 22. September is a great time to reflect on the aspects of my life I’m grateful for, and those things that I need to shake up a bit. I’ll go to the beach early in the morning or late in the afternoon with a notebook (and a blanket) to spend time writing a gratitude list. This helps me appreciate how fortunate I am and reminds me that we live in a world of abundance. It also spurs me on to lend a hand to those in need.

Welcome September and Your Wild New Beginnings!


September: A Welcome Beginning or End? was last modified: September 1st, 2017 by Deb Nelson