It’s September: Happy New Year!

September is bursting with opportunity as the crisp autumn air moves into town. The world is consumed with the excitement of schools beginning a new year. SO, too, can we hop onto that excitement and reset our health goals for the remainder of the calendar year: a bonus, if you will, for each of us to take a moment and assess our plans before the pressure associated with the final quarter of the calendar year arrives.

So, Happy September New Year to you! Reflect and take action. Take advantage of the clean slate September affords:

  • Assess your goals.
  • Assess your strategy.
  • Put new goals in place and/or continue on track to meet existing goals.
  • Celebrate your successes.

Make a commitment to your health and keep your goals front and center for the remainder of the year.

  • Identify areas in your life that you’d like to adjust:

Health                                          Education

Physical Activity                          Career

Home Environment                    Finances

Social Life                                    Relationships

Spirituality                                   Creativity

Home Cooking                          Joy

  • Set SMART goals.
  • Make goals that make sense to you and fit your lifestyle.
  • Write your health goals on paper, post-its, etc. and post them where you’ll see them EVERY DAY.
  • Find an accountability partner to keep you on track.

You are in control. A clean slate means you can reset: build on your successes and kick bad habits to the curb. Need a hand with September goals? Let’s connect.

Happy New Year: Healthy living starts now.

It’s September: Happy New Year! was last modified: September 4th, 2018 by Deb Nelson