Shake Yourself Up: Wake Yourself Up

You got to work at 7:45, and you’ve been staring at your screen ever since. Excellent – it’s 10:30 already. Only a couple of hours until lunch. Well, excellent except for one thing. You’re exhausted, and you can’t really think of anything you’ve accomplished. Arghhhh!!!!!

What’s a person to do? Go old school, and set a timer of course!! Seriously? Yes. Do it: Every 45 minutes. Every day. For one week. See how much more you can accomplish than you thought possible. See how much more energy you have.

What happens when the timer goes off? You've got an opportunity to reset as you shake yourself up to wake yourself up. Click To Tweet

  • Take a walk around your office.
  • Get a glass of water.
  • Crank up the tunes.
  • Take note of how much you accomplished in the last 45 minutes.
  • Is it time for lunch? Use part of your break to go outside – walk for 15 minutes. Say hello to a stranger.
  • Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  • Schedule a date with a friend.
  • Write a note (snail mail) to connect with a friend, family member, client, prospective client.

And just like that, you’re ready for another 45-minute segment. Figure out what you’ll work on for the next 45 and give it your all.

Do this for an entire week and assess:

  • How has your productivity changed?
  • Are you working in a more efficient manner?
  • Do you feel more focused?
  • Do you have more energy?
  • Did this increase your level of happiness?
  • Have you noticed any unintended consequences?

Next up? Try it again next week, and let me know what how this works for you.

Shake Yourself Up: Wake Yourself Up was last modified: August 10th, 2018 by Deb Nelson