Unplug: Leave Your Phone at Home

Do this today – yes, even though your day is already planned. For ONE HOUR, take a technology break: Leave. Your. Phone. At. Home.

Maybe you’ll break out into a cold sweat at the mere thought of being unplugged for an hour. Maybe you’ll feel a deep sense of relief at the thought of having some alone time.

  • What could you do with that hour? Here are a few options:
  • Grab a book that’s been on your reading list.
  • Attend a yoga class.
  • Run your favorite route.
  • Go for a walk – with or without man’s best friend – at the beach, in a park, through your town.
  • Take a hike.
  • Hop on your bike.
  • See what it feels like to sit in your backyard.
  • Meet a friend and catch up – face to face!
  • If you’ve got kids, surprise them with a picnic supper.
  • Go fly a kite.
  • Enjoy a device-free dinner with your family.
  • Do some meal prep for the week.
  • Volunteer at a nonprofit.
  • Check out the sunset – actually enjoy the experience rather than trying to take the perfect photo.
  • Get outside and enjoy the fresh air.
  • Start a routine of unplugging one hour before you go to bed.
  • You get it: Do anything that makes your heart sing and brings a smile to your face.

Take note of how unplugging makes you feel. Anxious? Relaxed? Relieved? All of the above?

Once you’ve mastered a one-hour break from technology, work up to two hours. How about setting a goal of going tech free for an entire day? Stop sweating. It will be okay.

As always, let me know how this change fits into your helath goals.

Unplug: Leave Your Phone at Home was last modified: February 10th, 2022 by Deb Nelson

Keep It Simple, Sweetie: Shake Off the Sluggishness

It’s 3:00 in the afternoon. You’re sitting at your desk. Eyelids are heavy. No, really. H E A V Y. You thought you had managed to keep your eyes open until your neck bounces and you look around hoping that nobody saw you nod off. Whew…not this time. NOW WHAT DO YOU DO?

No worries. Keep It Simple, Sweetie! Choose from any of these to shake off that sluggishness:

Turn on some dance music. Yes, I know, you might be in an office setting. Earbuds are magic! If you want to shake anything off, take a lesson from T. Swift. A couple of other favorites of mine to get myself moving are Band of Gold (even though this sounds a bit tinny) and The Weather Girls.

10 Jumping Jacks – I learned this one from Gretchen Rubin, and it definitely kicks me into high gear.

Move – Get up and walk around your office, talk to a co-worker, make a phone call.

Hydrate – Drink a glass of water.

Get outside. Get outside. Get outside. It’s raining? Put on a raincoat and a hat.

Take Pre-emptive Action. Once you wake yourself up, you’ll want to make sure you stay alert at work. Set the timer on your phone so that you’re not sitting for more than 50 minutes without getting up for at least a stretch break at any point in your day.

Keeping it simple is a great approach to good health. Check out the details for my 30-Day Wellness Transformation Program for women. Kickoff is July 30. Let me know if you’re ready to keep your health front and center this summer!

Keep It Simple, Sweetie: Shake Off the Sluggishness was last modified: June 28th, 2018 by Deb Nelson

Grab A Book. Get Outside. Feed Your Soul.

Yes, as simple as that.

Grab A Book.

Get Outside.

Feed Your Soul.

No need to complicate the idea.


Turn to activities that bring you joy, and make them a regular part of your life. Those activities that drag you down? As the song suggests, let them go. Then experience the magic!

Grab A Book. Get Outside. Feed Your Soul. was last modified: June 13th, 2018 by Deb Nelson