Three Reasons to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone & Take a Walk on the Wild Side

You’ve got your schedule down. It’s predictable. A bit boring, perhaps, but you can deal with it. Then you notice it: you’re slogging through the day, productivity is down, you feel like you’re on autopilot.


This is the perfect time to get out of your comfort zone and take a walk on the wild side.

What will getting out of your comfort zone do for you?

Here are three reasons I like to kick that comfort zone to the side every now and then. Doing something outside of my comfort zone can:

  1. Jumpstart creativity and kick boredom to the curb. Entering an unfamiliar space can help approach issues in a new way. The result: increased creativity, enthusiasm, and productivity!
  2. Gain a new perspective. When we step outside of our comfort zones, we have the opportunity to look at the world through a new lens. That lets us see different ways of looking at an issue to discover a compromise that will work for all.
  3. Remind us that we’ve developed a host of skills. That story our inner voice loves to tell about our weaknesses and insecurities? Maybe that story isn’t accurate.
    • Hate networking? Try going to a networking event and see if that’s actually true.
    • Not a good cook? Get that recipe out and have at it.
    • Exercise makes your skin crawl? Get outta here: go for a walk!
    • Not good at sales? Oh yes you are!
    • Strategic planning isn’t your thing? What if it is?
    • Don’t like hiking? Try it; you might find you like it.

So…stick your toe out. Get out of your comfort zone and get out of that rut. Stretch yourself, and enjoy that walk on the wild side!

Three Reasons to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone & Take a Walk on the Wild Side was last modified: January 28th, 2022 by Deb Nelson