What if There’s No Reason to Fear Cancer?

“All you have to do is understand what cancer is and why it happens, and that puts you in control.” Raymond Francis, M.Sc in his book, Never Fear Cancer Again: How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer.

The title of Raymond Francis’s book makes quite a statement: Never Fear Cancer Again. Really? Well, let’s see…

What if: there were only one type of disease?

What if: there were two possible causes of disease?

What if: by following six pathways, you would find (based on your choices) either health or disease?

According to Francis, it’s as simple and as complex as:

One type of disease: cellular malfunction.

Two possible causes: deficiency or toxicity.

Six pathways to health or disease: nutrition, toxin, mental, physical, genetic, medical.

The major takeaway I had from reading this book is that our health is in our hands. To use Francis’s words: “interfering with the cancer process gives you the power to prevent or reverse cancer.”

Francis has science on his side as he maps out a path to health following the six pathways. He healed his own chronic illness decades ago after doctors could offer him no more treatment. Taking advantage of his background in biochemistry, Francis studied disease at a cellular level; and after two years rather than facing a premature death, he was back to being healthy and enjoying life.

He has shared information through a number of books in addition to Never Fear Cancer Again. This was one of the first books I read when I started looking at the relationship surrounding cancer, nutrition, and lifestyle. As I’ve previously written, Francis’s theory makes a lot of sense to me.  Check it out and let me know if it resonates with you.

What if There’s No Reason to Fear Cancer? was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson