Summer and Yoga: A Perfect Match

What’s better than attending a yoga class? How about attending yoga classes for no charge, Monday through Friday from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.? The classes began July 5 and run through August 31. AND… as an extra bonus, the classes are outside. SCORE for all of us in L.L.Bean’s neighborhood!

L.L.Bean has contracted with Freeport Yoga Company to provide yoga instructors. The instructors happily provide direction for a wide range of yoga students – from the novice to those with decades of practice under their belts. My yoga practice is on the novice end of the scale, and I’ve been amazed at the ability of the instructors to provide assistance to newbies while keeping the class moving for the seasoned yoga practitioners. If you find yourself in southern Maine on a weekday before Labor Day, head on over to L.L.Bean’s campus and take a class (if weather looks like it will be an issue, their website has a number to call for info).

Yoga is the perfect complement to the running I’m doing as I train to run a half marathon in October. One of the benefits of this program is the gentle stretching of muscles that have been a bit stressed as I ramp up my running miles. Summer and yoga are, indeed, a perfect match thanks in large part to L.L.Bean’s commitment to supporting community. Yes, I’m a fan of L.L.Bean – this company encourages us to all stay active, enjoy the outdoors every season of the year, and reconnect to nature.

What a community partner! Yoga classes are part of Bean’s Summer in the Park program that also includes Friday night movies, Saturday night concerts, and more. Living near Bean’s flagship store definitely has its advantages.




Summer and Yoga: A Perfect Match was last modified: July 9th, 2019 by Deb Nelson