Cancer Treatment: What if We’re Headed Down the Wrong Path?

What if…

Instead of pursuing a war against cancer that began more than 40 years ago,

We celebrate and boost the power of our immune system?

What if…

Instead of focusing on surgery, chemo, and radiation for cancer treatment,

We focus on nutrition, exercise, and stress-free living to boost our immune system?

What if…

Instead of referring to surgery, chemo, and radiation as traditional treatment,

We refer to each of them as conventional treatment?

What if…

Instead of referring to nutrition, exercise and stress-free living as alternative treatment,

We refer to each of them as traditional treatment? And then return to traditional treatment?

What if…

Instead of investing billions of dollars in developing more drugs with debilitating side effects to treat cancer,

We invest in delivering existing treatments that boost the power of our immune system?

What if…

We follow Michael Pollan’s simple advice?

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

Cancer Treatment: What if We’re Headed Down the Wrong Path? was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson