Nutrition and Aging: Drink Water, Eat Fruits and Veggies, and Keep on Moving!

Thornton Oaks Retirement Community in Brunswick, Maine hosts an Ounce of Prevention series. The most recent session was titled Nutrition and Aging: How Your Needs Change as You Age, presented by Alison Fernald, RD, LD, CDE. Aging was defined by Alison as the 50+ crowd. Here are some of the highlights from Alison’s presentation.

water. water. water.

The message we received loud and clear was that if we took only one thing from this presentation, it should be: Water. Water. Water. Drink up, people! Don’t like water? Not in the habit of drinking water? Make that glass of water appealing by adding lemon slices, fresh mint and cucumber slices, strawberry slices. The water that we drink makes sure that the nutrients in our food make their way to our cells. Water also helps fight inflammation, flushing toxins out of our bodies.


Fiber (with an assist with water and exercise) keeps things moving through our digestive system, playing a key role in bowel health – moving waste through our 25-ish feet of intestines. Yes, it’s pretty much impossible to talk about nutrition without mentioning poop.

fruits and veggies.

Allison recommends eating 5 – 9 servings (a serving = ½ cup) of fruits and vegetables a day. Alison suggested ½ of your plate should be filled with non-starchy vegetables, ¼ of the plate with grains, and ¼ of the plate with protein (and reminded us that beans are good source of protein – no need to stick with only animal products to get protein). Those fruits and veggies fight inflammation and help keep our joints healthy and provide us with some valuable nutrients.

The Weekend Suddenly Looks A Whole Lot BetterFYI – I follow a plant-based diet (See Physicians for Responsible Medicine power plate booklet), and I was super happy to see Alison sharing one of my favorite cookbooks with the group.  


Exercise continues to be important as we age: in addition to lending an assist with digestion, exercise also helps to keep our joints strong and helps to reduce inflammation. Weight-bearing exercise keeps our bones strong, so get out there and go for a walk or run.

WEIGHT loss. weight gain.

We experience a natural loss of appetite as we age. Alison cautioned us to monitor our weight: if you find yourself losing 5 pounds or more in a month, check in with your health care team.

Watch for weight gain as well. If you’re living in a senior community, each meal averages 700 – 1000 calories (2100 – 3000 calories if you eat three meals in a day); yet, seniors daily caloric intake should be 1400 – 2000 calories. You’ll need to be an advocate for yourself: Alison suggests requesting more veggies on your plate along with a side salad and a small piece of meat (size of a deck of cards). Be persistent; servers and kitchen staff are glad to help you get the food that will fuel you best.

in summary.

Drink water. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Exercise. Advocate for yourself. And, of course, check with your healthcare team before making any changes to diet and lifestyle.

You’ll notice that these suggestions from Alison apply to us at any age. As we age, however, it’s important to take our history into consideration and identify food and exercise that cause us discomfort. Alison focused on diverticulitis as an example of a common condition in seniors – this underscores the importance of being an advocate for ourselves. Aging doesn’t mean we have to feel lousy; check in with your healthcare team to get to the root of your discomfort and make adjustments.

This was a great discussion; make sure you take advantage of programs and resources available in your community. Jump into the conversation, listen, and learn.

Nutrition and Aging: Drink Water, Eat Fruits and Veggies, and Keep on Moving! was last modified: November 15th, 2019 by Deb Nelson

Keep It Simple, Sweetie: Shake Off the Sluggishness

It’s 3:00 in the afternoon. You’re sitting at your desk. Eyelids are heavy. No, really. H E A V Y. You thought you had managed to keep your eyes open until your neck bounces and you look around hoping that nobody saw you nod off. Whew…not this time. NOW WHAT DO YOU DO?

No worries. Keep It Simple, Sweetie! Choose from any of these to shake off that sluggishness:

Turn on some dance music. Yes, I know, you might be in an office setting. Earbuds are magic! If you want to shake anything off, take a lesson from T. Swift. A couple of other favorites of mine to get myself moving are Band of Gold (even though this sounds a bit tinny) and The Weather Girls.

10 Jumping Jacks – I learned this one from Gretchen Rubin, and it definitely kicks me into high gear.

Move – Get up and walk around your office, talk to a co-worker, make a phone call.

Hydrate – Drink a glass of water.

Get outside. Get outside. Get outside. It’s raining? Put on a raincoat and a hat.

Take Pre-emptive Action. Once you wake yourself up, you’ll want to make sure you stay alert at work. Set the timer on your phone so that you’re not sitting for more than 50 minutes without getting up for at least a stretch break at any point in your day.

Keeping it simple is a great approach to good health. Check out the details for my 30-Day Wellness Transformation Program for women. Kickoff is July 30. Let me know if you’re ready to keep your health front and center this summer!

Keep It Simple, Sweetie: Shake Off the Sluggishness was last modified: June 28th, 2018 by Deb Nelson

A Prescription for Health – With a Side of Happiness

You’ve got an appointment with your doctor. What’s the likelihood that you’ll walk out of her office with a prescription or two in your pocket?

What if your doctor gave you a handful of prescriptions that looked like this:

A minimum of 7 hours of SLEEP every night

30 minutes of EXERCISE at least five days a week

No less than 60 ounces of WATER per day

Do something for the FUN OF IT 3 times a week: call a friend, take a class, go to a movie, read a book

Avoid TOXIC people (you know who they are)

Ditch PROCESSED FOOD (one day at a time)

Thirty days later, you return to your doctor to have a conversation about your progress. Now wouldn’t that be a wildly uplifting conversation?!? What are the side effects of getting good sleep, exercising, eating nutrient-dense food, and enjoying yourself? Health and happiness perhaps? Keep this trend going:

Take 10 minutes of ALONE/QUIET TIME every day

Increase PLANT-BASED WHOLE FOODS in your meals

SAY YES to doing things that energize you

SAY NO to doing things that suck the life out of you

This is why I became a health coach: to help people meet their health and wellness goals. Each of us can take control of our health in a variety of ways. I’ve written about it before, and will undoubtedly keep on writing about it.

If you incorporate any of these changes into your daily practice, let me know how it goes!

A Prescription for Health – With a Side of Happiness was last modified: February 28th, 2018 by Deb Nelson