December Challenge: Week Three. Get Moving!


We’re focusing on implementing a new habit each week for the last month of this decade. Last week’s challenge: add more water toy our day. Week one challenge: eat an apple a day. How are you doing with these two additions to your daily life? Are these small changes helping to crowd out food that shouldn’t be a part of your daily nutrition?


Have you ever kept track of how many of your waking hours are spent sitting at a desk or in a couch or chair at home watching television, playing video games, or connecting with friends online? Try it for a day – you might be surprised.

Here are some ways to get moving throughout the day:

Set a timer throughout the day so that you’re not sitting for more than 45 minutes without getting up to move around.

the goal is to run a half marathonMake your work meeting a walking meeting (indoors or outside). Chances are the meeting will be shorter and more productive!

Put that gym membership to use and take a class: Qigong, yoga, cycling, Pilates, zumba, etc.

Hope on a treadmill.

Take a hike.

Swap an hour of online time for an hour of walking time.

Can’t do an hour all at once? No problem! 10 minutes at a time can get you to an hour.

Bad weather? No problem! Walk around a grocery store or a mall.

Cooking a meal? Got kids in your house? AWESOME – have a dance party!! Please note: no kids required for a dance party!

Need accountability? Find someone in your life who can join you in your goal to get moving.

I don’t know about you, but I’m heading out for a walk!

You’re in control. Healthy living starts now.
December Challenge: Week Three. Get Moving! was last modified: December 16th, 2019 by Deb Nelson

December Challenge: Week Two, Focus on Water


We’re focusing on implementing a new habit each week for the last month of this decade. Last week’s challenge: eat an apple a day. How did it go? AND – do you find that if you eat an apple each day you’re less likely to eat junk food? Sometimes if we make small changes, it helps us crowd out food that shouldn’t be a part of our daily nutrition. Just sayin’.

WEEK TWO: Water. Water. Water.

Let’s build on that apple a day and increase the amount of water we’re drinking. This suggestion is probably no surprise to you. I’ve written a bit about the importance of water in the past, and you’ve probably heard of the benefits water provides to your body. Increase the amount of water you’re drinking each day by adding an 8-ounce glass a day to your water intake until you’re comfortable with the amount of water you’re drinking. (Check with your healthcare team to make sure you’re on the right track here.)

Here are some ways to add water to your day:

Drink a glass of water before each meal.

If you’re feeling hungry between meals, have a glass of water before reaching for a snack. It could be that you’re dehydrated and your body is craving water.

Feeling sluggish? You guessed it! Skip the caffeine and have a glass of water.

Fill a water bottle each morning and sip on it throughout the day.

You drink multiple cups of coffee each day? Swap out one cup of coffee for a glass of water.

Going out to a party or dinner where you’ll be drinking alcohol? Limit yourself to one alcoholic beverage and drink water throughout the remainder of the party / dinner.

Do you avoid drinking water because you find it boring? No problem! Try adding the following to your water:

Cucumber slicesOrange slices

Lemon slices

Lime slices

Mint sprigs

Orange slices

Strawberry slices

Make a game out of it to see how you can increase your water intake. Do you feel better? Less fatigued? Are you less likely to overeat? Take note now that you’re eating an apple a day and drinking more water whether you’re able to resist food and beverages that zap your strength and energy.

You’re in control. Healthy living starts now.
December Challenge: Week Two, Focus on Water was last modified: December 9th, 2019 by Deb Nelson

December Challenge: One New Healthy Habit Each Week

What if…

you were to start healthy habits in December in stead of waiting to implement resolutions in January to make up for unhealthy behavior?

What if…

each week for the month of December you adjust just one behavior?

What if …

you use this last month of the decade to shore up healthy habits and make 2020 your best year yet?

Let’s give it a go!



We’ve all heard that saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While Benjamin Franklin generally gets credit for this phrase, there is some evidence to support that this phrase originated earlier as a proverb: “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”

Today, the apple continues to be looked at as a nutritious part of our diet. Here are a few reasons to include apples in your diet, according to Dr. Andrew Weil:

Apples are a good source of fiber, which can lower LDL cholesterol.

Antioxidants in apples protect us from both heart disease and cancer.

Buy organic and eat the peels (more antioxidants in peels). If you can’t get organic, Weil recommends peeling the apple before eating apple a day

When will you have this daily apple?

You decide!

Eat that apple:

between meals when you’re feeling a bit hungry

a half hour before a meal

before or after a workout

See what suits you best!

Simple, right? One apple each day starting today. We’ll add another habit next Monday.

Healthy living starts now.
This website is a source of general information only and is NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE ADVICE OF YOUR DOCTOR or other qualified professional. The reader understands that Deb Nelson is not a doctor and has no medical training. A doctor or other qualified professional should always be consulted before beginning any health program. The reader is cautioned to carefully assess the risks associated with following any health program and is responsible for obtaining health care appropriate for his / her condition. The reader assumes all risks associated with any health program and understands that Deb Nelson and Be Well Consulting Group are not responsible for any failure of the reader to seek and obtain appropriate professional advice specific to the reader’s situation, condition, or diagnosis.
December Challenge: One New Healthy Habit Each Week was last modified: December 2nd, 2019 by Deb Nelson