December Challenge: One New Healthy Habit Each Week

What if…

you were to start healthy habits in December in stead of waiting to implement resolutions in January to make up for unhealthy behavior?

What if…

each week for the month of December you adjust just one behavior?

What if …

you use this last month of the decade to shore up healthy habits and make 2020 your best year yet?

Let’s give it a go!



We’ve all heard that saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While Benjamin Franklin generally gets credit for this phrase, there is some evidence to support that this phrase originated earlier as a proverb: “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”

Today, the apple continues to be looked at as a nutritious part of our diet. Here are a few reasons to include apples in your diet, according to Dr. Andrew Weil:

Apples are a good source of fiber, which can lower LDL cholesterol.

Antioxidants in apples protect us from both heart disease and cancer.

Buy organic and eat the peels (more antioxidants in peels). If you can’t get organic, Weil recommends peeling the apple before eating apple a day

When will you have this daily apple?

You decide!

Eat that apple:

between meals when you’re feeling a bit hungry

a half hour before a meal

before or after a workout

See what suits you best!

Simple, right? One apple each day starting today. We’ll add another habit next Monday.

Healthy living starts now.
This website is a source of general information only and is NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE ADVICE OF YOUR DOCTOR or other qualified professional. The reader understands that Deb Nelson is not a doctor and has no medical training. A doctor or other qualified professional should always be consulted before beginning any health program. The reader is cautioned to carefully assess the risks associated with following any health program and is responsible for obtaining health care appropriate for his / her condition. The reader assumes all risks associated with any health program and understands that Deb Nelson and Be Well Consulting Group are not responsible for any failure of the reader to seek and obtain appropriate professional advice specific to the reader’s situation, condition, or diagnosis.
December Challenge: One New Healthy Habit Each Week was last modified: December 2nd, 2019 by Deb Nelson