Welcome September and Your Wild New Beginnings

Since we tend to attract what we focus on, let’s focus on the wild new beginnings that September brings:

  • A new season
  • Crisp fall weather
  • Return to school
  • A clean slate
  • Endless possibilities
  • Opportunity to reset and connect with whomever and whatever is important to you
  • A moment in time to embrace change and wild new beginnings

Why are wild new beginnings so important?

We humans tend to be creatures of habit. Who doesn’t love getting cozy with a favorite habit or two? While that comfort zone we create can seem to be nothing more than a safe zone, our cozy comfort zone can also become a danger zone by discouraging us to test and stretch ourselves or to look at the world from different perspectives. To ease out of that comfort zone during this month of September, which some call the second new year, change things up a bit:

  • Monitor your actions and question yourself when you see autopilot kick in.
  • Why are you working toward those health / career / life goals? Do they still suit you?
  • Why are you still scrolling through your phone at 10:00 p.m.? What will happen if you take a two-hour break every day from your phone?
  • What can you do to shake things up in your life that will bring you more joy?

Embrace small steps to create wild new beginnings.

Never underestimate the power of taking small steps: after all, that’s how we get most everywhere in life. Dip your toe into the idea of shaking things up:

  • Get up 15 minutes earlier
  • Go to bed 15 minutes earlier
  • Spend more time with people who get you, and less time with people who don’t
  • Say no thank you to binge watching
  • Take the first stepRead a book for fun
  • Get outside – yes, 10 minutes counts
  • Meet up with a friend
  • Send a note to five people
  • Sign up to take a class
  • Ask for help
  • Volunteer for a community project
  • Assess your food intake
  • Evaluate your exercise program
  • Avoid multi-tasking
  • Accept a leadership role
  • Send that resume
  • Support a friend or co-worker
  • Make a list of things you’d like to do – and start at least one of them

How will wild new beginnings change your life?

step by stepStep by step we can create the lives we are meant to live. Step by step our lives become filled with joy. The changes and joy that you bring to your life can make a world of difference for you. Take that first small step today!

Live well. Eat well. Be well.

Welcome September and your wild new beginnings.

Welcome September and Your Wild New Beginnings was last modified: September 1st, 2022 by Deb Nelson