Take Time To Be Silly

What if today, and every day, you take time to be silly?


Will it be a waste of time?


Will it be an incredibly good use of time?


Here’s how taking time to be silly can positively impact you.

Being silly can help you:

    • Reset if you’re feeling stuck on a project OR stuck in a mood that’s not benefitting you.
    • Relieve stress; it’s hard to hang onto tension and negative energy when you’re giggling.
    • Get your priorities in order; it’s amazing how a good laugh can help you see what should be uppermost on your to do list.
    • Become more productive and present in the time you are working.
    • More available and present in the time you’re spending with family and friends.
    • Breathe, feel better, and decompress.
    • Reconnect with someone who’s important to you. Take a break, make a fun phone call, share and appreciate your human side.
    • Remember what it’s like to have fun. AND isn’t that what this wild, wonderful life is about: having fun and appreciating those we love?

What if today, and every day, you take time to be silly?

Need help adjusting priorities to get on the path to health? Let’s connect.

Take Time To Be Silly was last modified: November 9th, 2020 by Deb Nelson


Yes, you read that title correctly: do nothing. Make it a priority to do nothing. You get to set the rules. You decide how long you’ll do nothing.


Put your phone away.

Take a break from the media.

Step away from the keyboard.

Snuggle in with your favorite blanket.

Close your eyes.

Breathe. And breathe. And breathe.

Take good care of yourself.


RELAX: TAKE TIME TO DO NOTHING was last modified: April 14th, 2020 by Deb Nelson