Dreams Do Come True

Yes, these dreams we dream do come true. They don’t come true because we have a thought and throw it out to the universe. These dreams come true because we are moved to action to make sure they do come true.

The first time I thought of writing a book, I was just a kid. I had written a short story for a school assignment – a contest to write the scariest Halloween story. And then the impossible happened: my story won!!

At that moment, my fifth-grade self decided that I would be a writer. It took a mere 40 years for me to act on that decision. Driving home a few years ago, I had an idea for a book. This book would share stories of people who changed their lifestyle following a cancer diagnosis. No, I hadn’t had a cancer diagnosis myself that changed the course of my life. I read a book that included a phrase: “It is impossible for cancer to develop in an alkaline environment.” I folded the page over, did some research, and learned a lot about the power we have when faced with a serious health situation.

This one phrase rekindled a sense of curiosity to find out more about cancer. Was there really more to treatment than surgery, chemo, and radiation? You betcha! Do we really have the ability to influence the ways our genes present? Oh. My. Goodness. Yes we do!

I’ve read more books on cancer than I would have thought possible, gone to conferences filled with inspiring speakers, and talked with cancer conquerors from all parts of the country. The generosity of these cancer survivors to share their stories is overwhelming. As I continue to gather information for my book sharing some of these stories, I decided to release an eBook to lend a hand to those who have been diagnosed with cancer. Download the free eBook, Heal Your Cancer: 12 Bold Questions to Ask on Your Journey to Health, here and share it with anyone you know who might benefit from it.

My fifth-grade dream is becoming a reality – thanks to my action and the support of friends, family, and a group of amazing cancer conquerors. I’d love to hear how you’ve made your dreams come true. Contact me directly, or leave your comment below.

Dreams Do Come True was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson

Asking Bold Questions Following A Cancer Diagnosis

It’s easy to get thrown into a tailspin upon learning that you’ve got cancer, and it’s really challenging to get the information you need to make the best choices to heal your cancer.

For more than three years, I’ve been talking with cancer survivors, attending conferences, reading book after book after book, and scouring the interwebs for information about the relationship surrounding nutrition, lifestyle, and cancer diagnoses. There is no shortage of information on this topic, which is both a good and a bad thing. Good because for those of us who love to explore, there’s plenty of information. Bad, of course, because so much information can seem overwhelming.

To help dial down that feeling of overwhelm, I’ve released an eBook to help people navigate the world of cancer treatment on their path to health. Heal Your Cancer: 12 Bold Questions to Ask on Your Journey to Health is offered free of charge and is designed to lend a hand to people who have recently been diagnosed with cancer. It serves as a catalyst to discussion – discussions cancer patients will want to have with friends, family, healthcare practitioners, coworkers and colleagues. These questions are by no means an exhaustive list of questions that need to be asked, yet they will serve to start much-needed dialog.

Let me know if you find this eBook helpful, and best of luck on your journey to health. Keep the conversation going; stay connected on Facebook and twitter.

Download the eBook for free here. Learn a bit about why I started researching the relationship around cancer diagnoses, nutrition, and lifestyle here.

The information on this blog post is written as a source of information only. Deb Nelson is not a doctor and has no medical training. The information contained on this site should by no means be considered a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical professional, who should always be consulted before beginning any health program. The reader is cautioned to carefully assess the risks associated with following any health program and is responsible for obtaining health care appropriate for his/her condition.
Asking Bold Questions Following A Cancer Diagnosis was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson