What’s Stopping You From Sharing Your Story? Maybe Seth Godin Can Help.

Got a great idea that you haven’t quite been able to put into action? Oh, yes, there are plenty of reasons to wait before sharing your genius with the world:

  • You need to do more researchThis Might Work
  • You’re not an expert.
  • No one will understand your idea.

That self-doubt knows just when to show up to squelch the most beautiful ideas. What if, though, you ignore that little voice in the back of your head and realize:

  • You’ve done plenty of research?
  • That research you’ve done has made you quite knowledgeable in your field?
  • The masses get your idea and think it’s awesome?

Where can we turn when that lizard brain takes hold and threatens us with the dreaded analysis paralysis? Enter Seth Godin. Oh. My. Goodness. A friend and colleague gave me one of Seth’s big ideas – yes, that book you see pictured above. How big an idea? How about a book that measures 11 ¼” x 15” – and did I mention that it’s almost 3 inches thick and weighs 15 pounds?!?

All I can say is thank you, Seth Godin, for practicing what you preach and making us all the wiser for it. This book contains the best of Seth’s blog and online writing from 2006 – 2012. It is the epitome of what thinking big and shipping are all about:


  • Done is so much better than perfect.
  • Now is better than tomorrow.
  • Dreaming bigger is important.

Instead of thinking, “What if this doesn’t work?” how about thinking, THIS MIGHT WORK.

It’s time to share your story.

What’s Stopping You From Sharing Your Story? Maybe Seth Godin Can Help. was last modified: May 31st, 2013 by Deb Nelson