Welcome Spring: A Great Opportunity to Jumpstart Healthy Living

Never mind that the ground is snow covered and speculation is that more snow is headed our way here in New England. It’s March 20th and Spring has officially arrived! With that pronouncement, many of us automatically feel that the temperature will rise, the sun will shine brighter, and the world will seem a kinder place. Whether that ultimately rings true may depend on your outlook: decide it and it will happen. Put on those rose-colored glasses and sit in that world of which you dream for a moment or two.

Change up a few habits, and sit in that world of which you dream indefinitely. WHAT? You’re in control of your world? You betcha!

Here area few examples of small changes you can make to brighten your world:

  • Laugh more – starting today, fake it ‘til you make it to a belly laugh a day
  • Drink more water
  • Eat more veggies
  • Move (exercise) more
  • Get some fresh air
  • Spend time with people who energize you
  • Call someone whose voice makes you smile
  • Be kind to a colleague or stranger in the form of a random act of kindness
  • Take one step in a project that’s been on your to-do list

Take advantage of this change in seasons to up your game and boost your happiness, health, and productivity. Starting today, put on rose-colored glasses and build the life you’re meant to live. Before you know it, your world will look different to you. Let me know how it goes!

Welcome Spring: A Great Opportunity to Jumpstart Healthy Living was last modified: March 20th, 2018 by Deb Nelson

Keeping It Civil on Social

What a treat it was last week to scroll through my Facebook feed filled with birthday greetings. It wasn’t until I saw these posts from friends near and far that I realized how taxing it is to wade through posts spewing outrage, anger, and distress every day. Name calling and accusatory posts are the norm as  we announce our opinions to our followers; the fallout from the hate-filled, one-sided, nonstop messaging is severe:

  • Social media stops being social.
  • Social media stops being civil.
  • Social media starts looking eerily like traditional media: one-way message delivery.
  • We lose the ability to have a discussion with those whose opinions differ from ours.
  • Name calling takes the discussion away from the real issues.
  • We’re losing contact with family and friends.

These thoughts were validated for me when I attended Maine Public Relations Council’s annual meeting the day after my birthday. Andy Serwer, editor in chief of Yahoo! Finance joined a panel discussion addressing fake news. His advice for those in attendance when it comes to sharing our thoughts on social media: “Keep the discourse civil.” Please, let’s do that:

  • Be kind and respectful when you speak online.
  • Post your opinions as though you’re stating them to your best friend.
  • Let’s have meaningful, healthy conversations again.

We’ll all be happier and healthier if we remember how much we have in common as we address the difficult, important issues facing us. Give it a try; let me know how it works out for you.

Keeping It Civil on Social was last modified: October 30th, 2017 by Deb Nelson