Opportunity Knocks: Are You Brave Enough to Open the Door?

Will you venture outside of your comfort zone to take
a chance on change?

goal-729571_1280One of the most dangerous words in our vocabulary is comfortable. Life is rolling along at a pretty good pace; work is going well; family life is humming along, too. Yes, we’re comfortable. Now what?

Will that comfortable feeling – no tug of war pushing us to adjust our life – also keep us from investigating an opportunity?


Will that comfortable feeling get old quickly and move you to push the envelope?

Wikipedia defines comfort zone as: “a psychological state in which a person feels familiar, at ease, in control, and experiences low anxiety. A person in this state uses a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk.”

The way I see it, spending too much time in my comfort zone can lead to a mundane life, leaving me wondering “Whatchance-255282_1280 if?” all too often. The story of my life will be a dreary one if I fail to exit my cozy little comfort zone. Sometimes you’ve just gotta answer that knock on the door and take a leap of faith.

What about you? Are you listening for opportunity or stuck in the comfort zone?

Opportunity Knocks: Are You Brave Enough to Open the Door? was last modified: May 5th, 2015 by Deb Nelson

Get Your Social On: Keeping the Social in Social Media

Are you being social or have you slipped into the habit of constant selling, rather than engaging, on social media channels? If you’re constantly asking, selling, telling, are you engaging with your audience? Or have you alienated your tribe? If you’re not engaging, you might just be transferring traditional media tactics to social settings. You might be lonely.

Give the L E A R N theory of being social a try:email-584705_1280

Listen. Put your ear to the social scene and listen to your audience. Where are they spending their time? What do they expect to get from social media? What are they asking questions about? What are their pain points? How can you solve their problems?

Earn. You need to earn the trust of your audience. Show up: be present, be consistent, be thoughtful.

Answer. Now that you know the questions your audience is asking, offer up some answers. Be a superhero and share your knowledge.

Respect. There are lots of differing opinions being served up on social media. Respect those opinions; and while you’re at it, don’t engage with  the trolls

Nurture. Developing relations is a process. Nurture these relationships: share posts, comment on posts, be an all-around nice person.

We all love a good conversation. Go out and be social. Let me know how
the L E A R N theory works for you.

Get Your Social On: Keeping the Social in Social Media was last modified: January 21st, 2015 by Deb Nelson