Do You Know Your Audience(s)? Are You Sure?

When was the last time you confirmed whom you want to reach with your messaging? Has your business focus and audience changed / expanded / contracted over the past year?

Your business is humming along. You’re meeting your sales goals. You’re following your business plan (or at least what you remember of your business plan). Still, you’ve got this nagging feeling you’re missing something – that there may be even more people who could benefit from your products or services.

My great niece reading Beautiful Girl
My great niece reading Beautiful Girl

Take a lesson from Dr. Christiane Northrup and look at those you’ve identified as your target audience(s). Northrup is a leading authority on women’s health and wellness who has “spent [her] my career helping women get healthy and stay healthy through proper diet, exercise, medicine, and a positive attitude about their bodies.” Realizing that younger girls could also benefit from her wisdom, she and Kristina Tracy wrote Beautiful Girl: Celebrating the Wonders of Your Body. It is the authors’ “hope that this book will be a starting point in a much longer conversation between you and your daughter . . . that will lead to a lifetime of vibrant health and happiness.”

By writing this book, Northrup provided a valuable product for a both a new and existing audience that was in sync with her mission. While she could have continued to focus on women’s health and wellness, Northrup was smart and brave enough to look at her work through a different lens. She was the able to see that she could add a new audience to her business and share her wisdom with young girls. The beauty of this book is that it also helps her existing audience – mothers – talk with their daughters.

Can you take a step back, as Northrup did, to ask the tough questions and identify additional audiences that can benefit from your wisdom?

Do You Know Your Audience(s)? Are You Sure? was last modified: May 26th, 2015 by Deb Nelson

It’s Your Turn. Make Your Move. Share Your Story.

Will everyone want to do business with you? Absolutely not. Your job, then, is to find people who appreciate your unique talent, skills, and offerings. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?

You know your business. You’ve fine-tuned your craft. And now, you’re waiting for the phone to ring or an email to arrive. I’ll let you in on a secret: It’s your turn. Make your move. Share your story. Activity breeds activity. Word of mouth is powerful – to make that work, you need to create a buzz of activity. Social media, face-to-face networking, and traditional marketing are among the variety of tools at your disposal.Go Means To Start Action To Proceed

Before you go out into the world to attract clients, ask and answer some tough questions about the product, service, opportunity you’re sharing with the world:

Who’s your audience?

Who cares?

So what?

Why you?

Why is my product / service worthy of purchase?

These questions will help you as you craft your story. And, yes, you’ll have a story for different situations. Time spent up front preparing your story, your pitch, your path will pay off as you build your business.

It’s time. Do good work. Share your story. Advance your cause.

It’s Your Turn. Make Your Move. Share Your Story. was last modified: January 23rd, 2015 by Deb Nelson