Are You All In Or Just Going Through The Motions?

Remember those health goals you set for yourself for 2022? Or those health goals you thought about setting for yourself? As we move through the year, are you all in on reaching those goals? Or are you just going through the motions with minimal success?


Are you on track to blow past those goals for 2022 and do that well-earned happy dance?

Good for you! Keep on keeping on!!

Have you adjusted your health goals to reflect changes in your life over the course of 2022 and are now back on track?

Excellent – you are tuned in to yourself and what you need to meet these goals!!

Are you floundering? Starting, stopping, not feeling that these goals are what you need to work on? On track to meet those health goals, but don’t feel the joy you thought you’d feel?

If you’re floundering when it comes to tackling your health goals, why do you think that’s happening?

Are you afraid of failure?

Are you afraid of success?

Do these health goals mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to you?

Did you set your health goals to make your family, friends, colleagues happy?

Did you set these goals thinking your BFF would be able to keep you on track?

Are you at a point where you have absolutely no idea why you even set these goals?

Use this grand month of September – the second new year – to reset and recommit to your health goals:

Think BIG.

Make those health goals meaningful.

Make those health goals fun.

Make those health goals challenging.

Make a plan to achieve your health goals.

Need some  motivation?

Read The 12-Hour Walk by Colin O’Brady.
I could not put this book down and read it in one day.

After you read this book, set some goals for yourself, and go all in to crush them!

The 12-Hour Walk is inspiring, thought-provoking, action-inducing.

Share your new health goals proudly and publicly.

Are you up for 29029? Don’t know what 29029 is? That’s because you haven’t read this book.

Invest in yourself, and take a 12-Hour Walk.

Keep moving, one step at a time toward your health goals. You’re in control. Own your health. Make EVERY day count.

Are You All In Or Just Going Through The Motions? was last modified: September 16th, 2022 by Deb Nelson