Stay on Track with Your Exercise Program on Mother’s Day Weekend

Walk Exercise Program

Mother’s Day weekend presents a challenge and plenty of opportunity to stay on track with your walking / jogging / running program:

Challenge: you might be traveling to a family event, or cooking for or hosting a family event which could leave you with less time than you usually have for your exercise routine. Never fear – there is no need for your exercise program to get derailed!!


Make a game out of getting some exercise time in:

Got kids? Head outside with them – you’ll get some walking / jogging / belly laughing done in no time!!

Got kids and want to have some time to yourself? Ask a spouse, parent, friend to watch them for a half hour.

Go for a walk or jog while your guests clean up the kitchen.

If you’re traveling, go for a walk when you arrive to stretch your legs after sitting in the car.

If you’re traveling, leave early enough to take a detour to a park or beach where you can get a walk in.

Get up a half hour early to get outside and clear your head and get your steps in.

Saturday will probably be a soggy day – I’ll pretend I’m on vacation. Rain never stops me from getting outside when I’m on vacation.

Lots of sun on Sunday – can you go to the beach for a walk / jog / run? Go solo or bring your family and friends.

Remind yourself WHY your exercise program is important to you.

Consistency in your exercise program is key. Exercising three times a week can make a significant difference in your health. Already exercise three times a week? Up the challenge: go for five times a week. 

Keep boredom away! Shake up your program by:

Doing some speed work – sprint from one telephone pole to the next; walk it out and sprint again when you’re recharged.

Embracing hill work – yup, charge up that hill. Again. Again. Again.

Adding in a different type of exercise: cycling, yoga, weight training, swimming — whatever piques your interest.

Getting your steps / miles in at a new location.

Bringing a friend, family member, colleague with you.

Making your walk / jog a working meeting.

Congrats to you for making your health a priority. As always, drop me an email if I can help you stay on track or get you back on track.

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend that supports your exercise program!

Stay on Track with Your Exercise Program on Mother’s Day Weekend was last modified: May 11th, 2018 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.