Reach Your Health Goals On A Rainy Day

Meeting Health Goals on a Rainy Day

What a gift it is to wake up to a beautiful, rainy day.

Use today to celebrate the progress you’ve made toward reaching your health goals. Do that happy dance and then reflect, reset, and recharge.


Identify your victories and acknowledge your success to date on approaching your health goals. Have a celebratory glass of water at your desk today. Share your successes with a colleague, friend, or member of your family.


What are your health goals? Do they need to be adjusted? Are you keeping them front and center? Are you on track to meet them?


Why did you set these health goals? What will reaching these health goals allow you to achieve in other areas of your life?


Put a plan together for this final quarter of 2019 that will help your reach your goals by the end of the year. Write each health goal on a separate note card and post the cards in places you’ll see them every day. What we schedule and measure is what we focus on.

And you’re off – healthy living starts now. Let me know how you do!

Reach Your Health Goals On A Rainy Day was last modified: October 1st, 2019 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.