Have You Skipped Today?

Spend a day with a kid, and you’ll undoubtedly learn a thing or two.
You know what else will happen? You just might find yourself skipping.

What kind of question is that? Have you skipped today? Maybe a better question is: Why do we stop skipping? Is itfitness-540263_1280 because we reach a certain age? Or attain a certain social status?

Spend a day with young kids and you’ll find yourself giggling and skipping along with a big grin on your face. Pressure melts away, perspective changes, new insight is realized. Young kids haven’t been taught not to laugh or not to skip. Without limitations or restrictions having been imposed, kids are unstoppable. They do what comes naturally, and happiness prevails.

Do something that makes you skip every day. You’ll change your story. And you just might change the world.

Let me know how you’re changing the world – comment below, or connect with me directly.

Have You Skipped Today? was last modified: January 19th, 2015 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • I stopped skipping years ago after my first slipped disc incident when the metal shelves in my bedroom cupboard collapsed on me, Deb, but metaphorically speaking, I skip with my furry friend Coco every day, especially during our 4 pm walk when we chase the birds and heaven help any cat in the vicinity. 🙂

    Just spending time in nature or with a child, even if of the canine variety is energizing.

    • I can tell from your writing, Vatsala, that you skip every day in some form or other!!

  • I miss skipping & am at a point where I’m ready to take charge of my mobitiyu. Walking around house again as soon as I post this. Thanks or reminder.

    • And you’re off! Skipping takes many forms – finding a way to recharge, bring back the child-like quality of living – I’ve no doubt that you’re skipping your way through a wonderful life.

  • One of my favourite things to do is to get on a swing and see how high I can pump myself into the sky. As an air sign all things that have to do with the feeling of flying, appeal to me. I love roller coasters too, the thrill of being high and then careening to the lows. Skipping with a child would be lots of fun and I am trying to remember if I liked to skip as a child. It is definitely worth doing to experience the rewards in how it makes us feel! Thanks Deb, for the reminder.

    • I used to love pumping those swings when I was a kid – or having someone push me and run underneath the swing!! Fun memories there. And, yes, skipping takes many forms. I suspect you are skipping in some form or another every day. Inspiring others as you explore this wild world!

  • Skipping no, with 2 left feet I would fall on my face. But you are right, kids know no limits, anything can be done. That is the greats part about being young, oh to be 6 again.

    • too funny, Joe – no falls when you’re skipping through life. I love taking a break and pretending that I’m still that 6-year-old kid. Skipping for real or metaphorically, they all count:)

  • Thanks for sharing this inspirational post on why it is important to NOT skip a day without doing something fun that makes you laugh and smile. To be young again 🙂

  • I skip quite often especially when I’m with my 2 year old daughter! Other than skipping, I also need to do squatting, crawling, lifting and any other kinds of movements you can think of 🙂

  • What a wonderful post, Deb, and great reminder to make the time to “skip” each day. Thank you for the reminder and the inspiration!

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