Looking at Everyday Items Through a New Lens

Does the idea of wearing clothing made out of household gadgets and gizmos sound unrealistic to you? It would have to me if I hadn’t seen a remarkable exhibit of work by students from Massachusetts College of Art and Design.

Dresses Made Using Egg Cartons (l) and Hair and Garbage Bags (r)
Dresses Made Using Egg Cartons (l) and Hair and Garbage Bags (r)

Strolling aimlessly to kill a little time before a reception, I was immediately drawn to the fashion exhibit on display the Center Court at Copley Place in Boston. What an unexpected treat for me and for so many other shoppers who normally race through Copley Place on their way to or from work.

Wearable Art 2015 showcases original ensembles from fashion design students at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. These students have taken simple items from everyday life and transformed them into beautiful works of design – wearable art that delights and amazes!

Dresses Made From Coffee Stirrers (l) and Coffee Filters (r)
Dresses Made From Coffee Stirrers (l) and Coffee Filters (r)

The unimaginable becomes undeniable while looking at these dresses created from:

Egg Cartons
Coffee Stirrers
Aluminum Cans
Coffee Filters
Hair (yes, hair)
Plastic Spoons
Garbage Bags


This art show is a reminder to take a step back every now and then to re-assess our daily routine. How can you look at a challenge in in your work world through a new lens? How can you help unearth an employee’s skills? What will collaborating with a new partner produce for results? Who will decide where or whether to hold this month’s staff meeting? Keep asking questions; the answers just might surprise, entertain, and enchant as you share a new chapter of your story!

Looking at Everyday Items Through a New Lens was last modified: October 13th, 2015 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • oh I wish I had seen this. I’ve seen photos of fashion made from food & flowers. But never seen it in person. Thanks for talking about it.

    • You would have loved this show, Roz. And I would love to see how you would accessorize this wearable art!!

  • I’ve seen pictures of these creative and inventive fashion ideas, Deb, and would love to see them in person as well. Love the idea of stepping back and objectively seeing the world with new eyes. Once we learn to do this in our lives, we open up a whole new world of possibilities. Possibilities that were always there, however, may not have previously been “visible” because of our inability to see them. This idea of wearable art intrigues me as well, as does the idea of creating our lives ongoing as a work of art. Thanks for sharing your experience and invitation to see the world in new ways.

    • It was also so much fun later in the week to see a group of high school students surrounding the exhibit – notebooks in hand, chattering galore!

  • Hi Deb 🙂
    Wow, what a beautiful way to see everyday things through a new and different way! Awesome share!

  • Deb, in Rochester we have an event called Greentopia which highlights green/eco friendly everything … from fashion to businesses. This event reminds me of this. I like your theme of looking at everyday things with new eyes or from a different perspective; it helps!

  • Wow! I have never seen clothing made out of everyday household items. This work is amazing! What a way to get.the best out of household items while being fashionable!

  • Great tips! It’s important to look at everyday things through a new lens. We can definitely learn something important for our lives from this art and design show 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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