Collaborating for Good to Take the Mystery Out of Video Production

If only all meetings could be this effective! Offered free of charge, Telling Your Nonprofit’s Story…Through Video exceeded all expectations. Andrea Berry and Kyle Andrei of Idealware and Maine Association of Nonprofits served up a winner, providing:


  • Tips and tools for video production
  • Examples  of powerful messages delivered through video
  • Options for sharing videos online
  • All-important nourishment for this lunch-and-learn session


Want to lower your anxiety level around video production a notch or two? Here are a few suggestions that should do the trick:

1. Plan, plan, plan. Before production begins, make sure you’ve identified:

  • Your target audience
  • The action that you want viewers to take after watching your video
  • Great storytellers to appear in your video

2. Tools of the trade. No need to be overwhelmed by technology. Simple tools can help in producing a topnotch video:

  • Flip Camera – great for documentaries and conveying emotion of your organization
  • Tripod – reduces the shakiness of the Flip Camera while still allowing you to maintain the realistic, informal tone of your       piece
  • Sony Handycam – this option brings a higher level of professionalism to your production for viewing at galas/fundraisers

3. Editing Options. Never underestimate the power of editing; clever editing allows you to both show and tell your story. Beginner tools include:

  • iMovie (for Mac users – free)
  • Windows Movie Maker (for PC users – free)
  • Adobe Premiere Elements

4. Publish or Perish.  Online resources make it easier than ever to share your story. Soak up the link love and post your video for all to see:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Your Website / Blog
  • Distribute to local news outlets and community TV stations
  • Include in your E-newsletter
  • Facebook and twitter

5. What, there’s more? Gotta love it when you get more than you expected from a presentation:

Onward and upward with video production – put these practices into play and watch the magic happen.


Collaborating for Good to Take the Mystery Out of Video Production was last modified: July 16th, 2012 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.