Be Different

As we share the stories of our business, we’re encouraged – even pressured – to highlight the differences between our business and that of our competitors. Surprisingly, though, we’re still encouraged – even pressured – to blend into the crowd in our personal lives.

So today, I invite you to join me in taking a pledge to be different:

pencils-447475_1280Be Different

Be Bold

Be Purposeful

Be True to Yourself


As we make this commitment to honoring ourselves, it’s equally important to honor others who are sharing their different selves:

Be Respectful

Be Open

Be Receptive

Be Tolerant

I would love to hear how embracing your different self – in your business and personal lives – works for you.

Be Different was last modified: April 14th, 2015 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • I always walked to the beat of my own drum, so never felt the pressure to fit in. My thinking seemed to be different and people ask for my perspective. It might have been my professional training and my upbringing, but respecting others is the norm.

    • You’ve got an awesome outlook and refreshing approach to life Roz. Love that you have always had that sense of self to dance your own dance!

  • It is interesting that I always had an aversion to the words “normal” or “average” yet the word “unique” or “unusual” were things I strived for. Some people do seem more comfortable fitting in and following the crowd. I’ve also (being born on the 1st and a #1) walked to the beat of my own drummer. If people said let’s go right, I’d most likely take off and head left.

    In my experiences online, it appears that many people are following a prescribed formula to gain followers and momentum. Even with my writing and how I share in the world (i.e. my business persona), I look for the way to do my thing and to follow my intuition more so than what “they” say is the way. We all are uniquely individual, regardless of how much we have in common, so I always encourage people to find their own voice, what makes them who they are and to be a good way.

    • Great insight Beverley. And I love that you’ve always done your own thing, taking the left-hand turn when others pointed you in a different direction. It’s easy to follow the crowd and not follow that inner voice encouraging us to check out a new path. We’re all lucky that you have followed your intuition and take us with you on your journey through your writing!!

  • I embrace myself as authentic and giving from a place of sincere love and grace. I embody this in my personal life and believe it reflects in the way I do business.

    I’ve never wanted to follow the crowd but have walked my own journey and stepped in to my own power to get to where ever life takes me.

    I do agree with the sentiments in your blog about honouring others. We all have our unique path ladened with gemstones and gremlins to help us live the best version of ourselves. Thank you for the reminder Deb.

    • Wonderful take on this post, Michee. We lose our sense of self and power following the crowd; stepping out and taking the lead feels so natural for some, so risky and scary for others. And, yes, we honor ourselves when we honor others.

  • I’m the one that if everyone is wearing red, I want to wear yellow! Always been this way as far as I can remember. Being the same is boring… ha! ha! I like to have different furniture, houseware, etc… I’m always looking for something nobody else has. You just made me realize this again. 🙂 Great post!

    • Love your comments, Norma. Glad to have such confident women in my circle!

  • Hi Deb! Great idea, personally I love to be different, and this shows up in my business, in the way I treat my audience, but also in my blog. I write, very openly, about the ups and downs of starting a business that can have its many challenges of course. The reward is that my audience, who is mainly Newbie Entrepreneurs, then can feel connected. They’re not alone in their struggle, and the point is to keep moving forward.

  • Hi Deb 🙂

    I am totally embracing being different among all of the sameness online 🙂 So many people jump at what everyone else is doing (I used to do that lol) and when it does not work out like they think, they get frustrated and quit. Just embracing your uniqueness and how special you really are makes all the difference in the world!

    Thanks for this inspirational post! Awesome reminder!

    Have a great weekend!

    • Thanks Joan – love your reference to “the sameness online.” Seems it didn’t take long for so many voices to become one. Acknowledging and celebrating what makes each of unique is so important. Off for some inspiration on a Sunday morning walk!

  • I’ve always believed that the most successful people observe what everyone else is doing and then do the opposite. To succeed in entrepreneurship, you need to be able to take calculated risks. What makes you different or unique is what ultimately propels your success.

    • It’s definitely risky to take those calculated risks and veer off the path from the pack. Glad to be connected with so many people who are forging their own paths to success!

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