From Happy Endings to Fabulous Beginnings

From Happy Endings to Fabulous Beginnings

Thank you, 2018, for a wonderful year! 2018 proved to be a fabulous year in a number of ways. A few highlights for me included:Finding Health After Cancer

  • Publishing my first book, Finding Health After Cancer – finally or at last some might say. At just the right moment is what I would say.
  • Setting the stage for a second book to follow in 2019. Yes, really!
  • Working with my first corporate clients.
  • Reading 23 books (up from 16 in 2017).


Oftentimes it seems I am saying good riddance to a year as we turn the corner to a new one. 2018, however, holds a special place in my heart. While accomplishing a significant goal in 2018, I also mapped out a plan for a stellar 2019. My husband and I will have milestone birthdays this year and have identified a number of activities (both personally and professionally) we want to accomplish. These lists should not be confused with New Year’s Resolutions: they are things we want to do to bring joy to our lives, they are NOT shame-filled corrections to last year or any other year; they actually build off of momentum from 2018.

We took a cue from Gretchen Rubin and each of us made a 19 for 2019 list. Rubin and her sister introduced this concept last year to their podcast listeners when they revealed their 18 for 2018 lists – lists of 18 things each wanted to do in 2018. I loved this idea, but for some reason did not hop onto this idea last year.

A couple of highlights on my list are:

  • Publish second book.
  • Expand on speaking portion of my business.
  • Become more active in Chambers of Commerce.
  • Read 32 books.
  • Run my first half marathon.
  • Participate in my first century bike ride.
  • Identify volunteer opportunities.

To accomplish my business goals, I’ll rely on an accountability group to keep me moving forward. There is nothing like a friendly kick in the butt with words of encouragement to ensure forward motion!

I’ve put details of how I’m going to accomplish each of these items in writing to boost the likelihood of making them happen. Two friends have signed on to be my running buddies which will provide accountability for me to get off the couch and go outside (or to a treadmill when roads are snow covered) for a run. John and I will train at our home and at the gym for the century ride until spring when we can get outside to hop on our bikes.

What exactly is the purpose of this 19 for 2019 list, you ask? I have discovered I’m at my happiest and feel most fulfilled when I have specific items I want to achieve and work toward them. Keeping it simple and accomplishing the items I’ve got in store for 2019 will result in my being healthy and happy – and what else could I want for 2019?

So…what about you? Have you set yourself up for success in 2019? Need help setting and achieving your goals? Let’s connect. After all, healthy living starts now!

Photo of Deb and her bike by Richard Sawyer Photography.
From Happy Endings to Fabulous Beginnings was last modified: January 3rd, 2019 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • Congrats on all that you accomplished in 2018 and best of luck with your 19 for 2019!

    • Thanks, Jim – looking forward to all that 2019 holds!

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