Meeting Your Goals: As Easy as 1, 2, 3

Meeting Your Goals: As Easy as 1,2,3

You gotta love the number 3. Why, you ask?

  1. We can wrap our arms around this wily number and be a superstar of action.
  2. We are not overwhelmed by focusing on three items. Three just isn’t complicated.
  3. The combination of three is a powerful one. It helps us to understand the full scope of what we’re about to undertake. I often use the power of three when talking about my business: Live Well. Eat Well. Be Well.

So…taking all of this into consideration, I’ve set some goals for myself for the month of June. And…no surprise here…the number three is prominently involved.

My three goals for June:

  1. 30 minutes of cardio every day. I’ve been on vacation this week and have a head start on this one. Setting this as a goal will keep me moving in a positive direction.
  2. Start each day with a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. I’ve wanted to explore apple cider vinegar for a while. Now is the time.
  3. Drink 64 ounces of water every day. I’ve not been paying much attention to my water intake. It’s a goal, so it has moved up in my priority list.

Some practices I’ll put in place to ensure that I’ll meet these goals:

  1. Make SMART goals. Setting myself up for success is a key element for achieving those SMART goals.
  2. Put an accountability system in place. I’ll be checking in with someone EVERY day – this is a 30-day limited frame remember – who will encourage me to do whatever it takes to stay on track to meet these goals.
  3. Write them down on my calendar – this helps with committing to achieving goals. They become more real and attainable.

If you’ve been thinking about making a few lifestyle changes, now is the time. When you feel like you’re losing momentum:

  1. Connect with your accountability person / team for support.
  2. Listen to the Jackson 5’s ABC.
  3. Take one small step toward one goal, and push those doubts aside.

Let me know what you’re changing up, what challenges you face, and how you plow through those challenges.

Meeting Your Goals: As Easy as 1, 2, 3 was last modified: May 31st, 2018 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • I have been slacking a lot lately and am taking this on as a challenge. I don’t know about the vinegar (please let me know the reason) but have long ago (not lately) had a glass with fresh lemon juice.

    I am starting today to write in my calendar.


    • I’ve heard people drink one glass of water a day with vinegar, similar to fresh lemon juice. Here’s one article on apple cider vinegar: – Just want to shake things up a bit and have gotten way behind on the amount of water I’m drinking. So…day 5 and getting my water as we speak:) Let me know how you do!

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