Relying Too Much on Technology? Maybe Low Tech is the Way to Go.

While traveling last week, I decided to rent a bike to get some exercise and take advantage of the warm weather. What a valuable lesson it turned out to be. The only bikes available while equipped with old-school baskets and kickstands were lacking in handbrakes and gears. I hopped on this beauty of a bike and took to the bike paths with a fresh perspective.

Yes, I must admit, I missed the idea of my bike and its 30 gears. Had a bike similar to the one waiting for me at home been available to rent, I’d have chosen it. Lucky for me, I had no choice other than this sweet low-tech beauty. I also had no need for any of those 30 gears I’ve become so accustomed to dependent upon when I ride my bike at home. A lesson learned here: how much tech power do we need? Do we make things more complicated by using technology because it’s available rather than because we need it.

I think about how we as a society invest our resources – time, energy, funds – pretty frequently. Usually it’s in the context of healthcare. Are stronger, more expensive drugs the answer to the culture of dis-ease? Or do we need to take a step (or many steps) back and get closer to nature to heal so many of the chronic illnesses that seem to be the result of poor choices?

Do yourself a favor, take a ride on a yellow low-tech bike and have a colorful salad for your next meal. Then make a habit of choosing these options. You just might find yourself feeling a bit better than you thought possible.

Relying Too Much on Technology? Maybe Low Tech is the Way to Go. was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • I took a tough decision at the end of 2008 to remove the internet service from my Blackberry, Deb, because I felt that the ping on the phone was starting to interfere with my life. 🙂

    I’ve stuck to my guns even if friends find it strange that I’m not on WhatsApp but it is so easy to let technology take over our lives. Unless a piece of technology is crucial to my work or life, I consider it a bright shiny object. So much simpler to call a friend or business associate to chat over the phone/Skype and if location allows, meet up in real person for a cup of tea.

  • I so agree with you on going, or staying, as low tech as possible Deb. As far back as when microwaves first were introduced, I refused to even consider using one and as it turns out, all the research shows they are not although they may heat and cook food quickly, they aren’t doing us any good when it comes to our health. Instinctively I knew not to “trust” the hype about them. As far as today, I only use my phone for calls and messaging. No internet, no email. I am happy when I’m out and about to be as low-tech as possible. I would love to see more cities use technology to sync traffic lights the way Portland, Oregon does, as I see how some advances in technology could have positive impacts on the environment and are health. I believe people are becoming slaves to technology (as I’ve written about) and appear to be dependent on it. There are many good things about it, however, I often wonder who is monitoring the bad things to keep our humanity in tact.

  • So timely, I’m overwhelm with where technology is taking us. I’m car shopping for a new vehicle that will be easier for my parents, in their late 80’s, get in and out with ease. I can’t believe what technology is being sold in a car these days. Some I see the advantage to for safety reasons like blind spot detection. Other are completely the opposite, they are safety risk, for example 1 car offer interface to Facebook!! Like a driver operating a potential dangerous vehicle should be given the distraction of Facebook on a visual display!! When we learn that technology isn’t always an improvement in life.

    I’m also of the camp that messaging and email are destroying our ability to communicate and I really believe are creating a false sense of being connected to someone.

    By the way, I love the yellow bike!

    • So many options w/technology, Heather. I really love some of the conveniences and think it’s great to check out or step back every once in a while. And, yes, communication becomes a challenge as we rely on written word rather than face-to-face, in-person interaction. Let’s see what’s next.

      And, yes, I love the yellow bike too – it was quite fun!!

  • I go into low-tech mode with my DSLR camera. All those fancy buttons and automation…just give me the manual setting any day.

    • Manual settings also let you keep a tighter rein on control. Sometimes it’s really fun to go old school!!

  • I was a techno phobe when I had to overcome it to be online with our products. So it is a no brainer for me. i only do what I have to and much goes over my head.

  • Love technology and how simple it makes everything! But you are right Deb, maybe a ride on a no tech bike is a way to go when you just need to get off the grid and just enjoy what is around you 🙂 Awesome share!

    • I’m with you, Joan. I love the conveniences of technology, too. Sometimes, though, I forget that I don’t actually need all those conveniences. I must say, though, that in general technology makes my life much easier. My challenge is to make sure I don’t run my life on autopilot:0

  • This was an interesting article. Last week, I had students find debates of their choosing, and several of them chose to write about technology, social media, and the workings of the internet helping or hindering us. I have a love/hate relationship with it, since it is more of a headache to me than an amazing gift.

  • Deb, This is very interesting and I can relate. Growing up with a dad who LOVED his technology; I always want what happens to come out – right now! I have so many apps on my phone that I don’t use – and they are productivity apps … why don’t I use them? Because I still use pen and paper. I thought I’d use them and I’m hoping to – until then they are taking up room on my battery! I also recommend a tech de-tox which I take on most weekends and at least 1 week per year. It is helpful and refreshing! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your low tech bike rides!

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